I do however believe that we have two sexes, male and female. I don't buy into the crap that kids should be gender neutral until they are old enough to decide for themselves or any of the other mentally ill delusions some out there wish to push.
Like I said, I will live and let live. I don't agree with the lifestyle, but I ain't marching in a protest to stop it. Jesus will have his day with all of us. But I get what your point is and you are 100% correct
Exactly, don't try to force your ways on me and I won't force my ways on you. Do what you want to do in your place to do it, but don't expect me to support you when you decide it is time to take over the streets to force your acceptance on the rest of us. And that goes for anything. Religious beliefs or lack thereof, sexual orientaion or lack thereof, abortion right claims, gender identity etc... America has a right to assemble and peaceful way to demonstrate all of these without recourse. Force them upon me and even if I agree somewhat or in whole with it, I will turn away and and not hear it. I understand some situations create spontaneous outbursts, that will never change and at times is justifiable and understandable. Not anymore, now it is just indoctrinated fools lashing out at a society that they were never educated nor raised to be brought up in.
This years election is showing the true Democrat way. Comma'la Harris appears at the start to talk about the importance of voting yada yada yada, like not everyone avle to legall do so can vote. Think back a year or two ago. Schools started assigning homework across the nation as watching an hour or two of CNN etc. Now go back to Pelosi a year or so ago stating that children aged 16 should be able to vote as we need to "capture" them when they are young. This country is becoming a sick place with Democrat ideologies. From Epstein, to the Clinton's, to evrything that plagues the two when combined and the Hollywood elites that support defend and continue to be linked to their ties. There's a lot of effed up people out there with too much money and way too many friends, and as I have said before I could care less which side of the political aisle they sit, take them all down and never let them back up.
Thanks and well said, I was not going to bother with criteria for a recession to some facts just don’t matter. My worry is not rest of this year, it’s next year when the fed removes the money they are infusion into the economy right now. The shot is going to hit the fan, eventually. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why would I not maximize for me for my wife for my children and grand children. Greed to provide for my family greed so my grandkids have a comfortable life. Zero guilt maximizing returns in these uncertain times.
Hillary hits the $600 no work bonus. Said from the get go it was nothing more than $15 an hour universal income and would dissuade those who lost a job from going back and those without already from seeking. ****
Calm down Francis, I have my eye on 10 acres on the platte River that hit the market. If it goes down to my target, I am writing the check with no guilt either. https://www.leelanauandbenzierealestate.com/Platte_River_Waterfront_for_Sale/page_2379611.html Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Also am I allowed to buy good year tires for my trailer? I heard we were supposed to ban an American company that employees 64,000 + Americans because of hats? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why would you vote for him then? There, I gave you an out. Now continue on about how you make so much money you didn't get a bailout. Then remind us again how we are lemmings. I love hearing about your better than us, just an old man hanging out at a youth park tales, when's the last time you hunted? Obama shed a tear, I'm sure you're drowning in it.