And in local news...
I was stupified when I heard that they would not illuminate the lights due to a group of 40 people not being able to socially distance while setting everything up. If that does not drive home the Democrats political message in all of this, nothing ever will.
Trump's brother has died, I'm sure Democrats will rejoice. Wonder which congressional Dem. will be the first to seek a copy of the death certificate/autopsy(if one is performed) to see if it was from covid as an election political smear.
Ashton Kutcher you are an idiot. Trying to call out Trump and Pense about storm damage in Iowa and no Federal response. Hey dumb dumb the Iowa Governor has to request the assistance from the Federal govt. Nobody in the media calls him out for being an idiot they just report it because it fits their narrative.
Wow the UNSC 's Non vote by allies. They should get exactly what they deserve and we should stand as quiet as they just did. Then let them BEG for help
I interrupt this regularly scheduled thread for an important political announcement. Denying the funding necessary to the United States Postal Service to carry out the mass influx of 100% mail in voting capacity is clearly demonstrating the attempt to destroy and dismantal the United States Postal Service. Yet.... To cut funding from, and not even seeking additional funding, the current Law Enforcement Agencies across the Democratically controlled populaces of the United States of America will only make the country a safer and more regulated country. Let's lead by example people, or are you really a people?
And, though the USPS is a government agency, it is not funded by tax dollars. In fact it's their #1 things you should we need congress to provide more funding, why? "1 Zero tax dollars used. The Postal Service receives NO tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations." receives NO,services to fund its operations.
Maybe if the USPS didn't start over paying their employees many many years ago they wouldn't be in the hole the dug now. Even I took the postal test, I just wasn't the correct shade nor nationality to get the job. I didn't mind losing out to military service. The other was BS.