I think he just wants all people to thrive and he knows that most illegals are here for a better life. But there has to be some guidelines
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So the democrats trotted out the only person in the world that could lose to Trump in 2016, now they chose the only other entitled one that could lose to Trump in 2020, and the liberals will be outraged at the election results again.
I'm not to sure. The virus and all after leads me to think the whole 2016 Russia collusion was a dry run for what THEY have done with China now. Trump sees it, he just may along with American public have the election stolen by socialist.
They'd be so screwed if his eye sight went with his hearing as well. It would be no better than mounting a scare crow in front of a microphone.
For Shizzle, I honestly wish Dave would do some shows right now and allow different groups laugh at and with each other while understanding there are differences and similarities. I distinctly remember high school and college watching Chapelle's show with my friends, Black, Indian (Native American), Asian and white in the same room laughing our butts off together. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but people can laugh at and* with each other without creating a race war. Edited*
I have said it all along. I think time will show that the dems colluded with china and brought that virus here....I mean if the dems can reach far and say trump colluded with russia then i can say that
well here ya go ... I had posted this on the Virus thread ... top virologist knows what happened .. read the whole thing.. ... not about dems being involved, but very interesting none the less https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/...eered-in-china-lab-effective-vaccine-unlikely
Biden can close his mouth and step aside now. All I heard from his intro is "She can do this job starting on day 1". The first elected president who was never elected is their goal. If somehow, which I highly doubt, they are able to pull this off, Biden will never be sworn in. Who would the VP be then? Hillary?