Did you watch any of the testimony today? What a shi!t show. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Article i read said they actually had witnesses that ol boy had rifle up pointed as vehicle when approached. Listening to the video, the first series of shots were from a rilfe and he was next to the car. Ak's kinda have a sound, but definitely wasn't a handgun firing first. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Been saying it for a while now. If you put yourself out there with a weapon, you better be prepared for what is to come. You cant predict the outcome. Good or bad. No matter your intentions. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
****e show is an understatement. I just couldn't watch it. I love it though because these lowbrow tripes exposed themselves to all. GOD BLESS Barr I pray he can endure and continues on. This was NOTHING more than a hit job, that will have them looking like Willy Coyote after his bomb goes off.
WTH! Son called this a.m. To warn me about free seeds in the mail? Something about China sending them out to Americans and there's something wrong with them? Has anyone else heard of this?
I suspect this may be the latest internet 'chain letter'... Lots of noise, I have yet to hear first hand accounts.
I read that this has something to do with a scammer, they send free samples out to fish for positive reviews. Makes them look like a legit business, then they offer a product for a great price, collect the money from people that order, and vanish never to be seen again. Been happening for years, but now someone brought attention to it to try to insinuate it's new and there's some tinfoil hat next world motive behind it.
Man, does anyone really know what is going on in Portland? I haven't paid too much attention to any news recently, but I keep hearing about secret police and such. Any search on the internet instantly starts comparing Trump to Hitler and his Gestapo, which I dont believe. It's impossible to find unbiased news anymore!
Many northern VA Prosecutors have formed a group that calls for leniency and prosecutorial discretion. So they basically want to us their political views in order to enforce the law. What a joke.
It can’t be any worse than MSM can it? I can read an article without taking everything it says as gospel truth. Ty germ for responding. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I've found Newsy to be fairly unbiased and fact based. It has been a breath of fresh air. They just report on what's going on without a slant. Quick and to the point.