I had to make a delivery to Murderapolis yesterday so I'm catching up. I'd send you some cash right now in advance, but, you know... coin shortage... sorry!
I take BitCoin. In fact, if you send me 1000 Bitcoin I can double your currency back. PM for details.
To me, this is just like Republicans are going to repeal The Affordable Healthcare Act or overturn Roe vs Wade. They all talk about it a lot and during campaigns their all hellfire and brimstone about it while on the soapbox but once elected nothing ever happens. Just fodder, nothing more nothing less. It'll never happen or it would have already happened. Mandatory buybacks, sure, right, I'm not going to hold my breath. All just bs pandering.
I just watched the video of those poor young guys. Just out to have some fun and do a little night cat fishing and a psychopath with 230! Felonies! Stalks one of them in a DG. Premeditated. How is this guy walking around????? This guy needs to be euthanized and I don’t mean humanely. Sounded like he was the ring leader but the other 2 should get 50+ yrs no parole for trying to dispose of the bodies. They went to freaking micky D’s and ordered cheeseburgers and nuggets afterwards! Celebratory meal? I really hope our justice system holds strong in this trying time. To think in certain states a guy like this could get set free. Oh wait he was
Well, I see 'ol Bob missed out on the facts again of the Dems wanting and actually TAKING away firearms .... look at what happened in St. Louis with the McCloskys... his AR was taken by an over zealous DEMOCRAT who sent the cops to CONFISCATE it ... I guess 'ol Bob missed out on all the anti-gun laws that have been passed in Califas/Mass./ NJ and Virginia by DEMOCRAT led legislatures .... and 'ol Bob conveniently forgot what Biden said to O'Rourke about having him head up the anti-gun posse and come take everyones AR's ..... must be awfully hard to live with ones head buried in the sand, or where ever it is buried .....
Well, I took a chapter out of your book, or speak and spell as the case may be. Just like your whackadoddle thoughts on the covid, until it happens to me it doesn't exist. And the name is Okiebob, ya jagwagon.
I love Aussie news, they are in a uproar with China. So who's now there increasing their destructive rioting? BLM Who's really behind BLM? Who in the US is covering for BLM? How much money from Palosi, Schumer, AOC, Biden and so many other have tied up in China? Every place that has pushed back against China...
Lol, Maybe we need the"mob" back. Lightfoot seriously pizzed off the Chicago Italian community with her Cuomo tactic of middle of the night political moves.
and in other news .. Fake news took another kick in the nads ... Washington Post (WAPO), the liberal news outlet has settled the $250 MILLION DOLLAR lawsuit that Nick Sandmann had filed against them... You remember him... he's the kid who at Covinton had the radical 'Indian'/Native American get in his face and the fake news media LIED about what happened .... CNN already settled a $275 MILLION dollar lawsuit .... this is what happens to the Fake News news media when they constantly lie and make up reports !! https://therightscoop.com/breaking-washington-post-settles-with-nick-sandmann-in-covington-lawsuit/
Hey Okieliberal..... piss off ... you blew it out your arse again .... ... back to your head in the sand or where ever it may be ..
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