I hope Maxwell is ready to sing to the world and she is kept alive long enough to do so. I don't care who is implicated if rightfully so, 12 months until her trial is set to begin. They need to be getting whatever they can out of her while she is still "able" to do so. A lot of sick people in this world and many of them cloaked behind bank accounts.
Think anyone is safe in this? Think again. https://abcnews.go.com/US/federal-judges-son-shot-killed-husband-injured-attack/story?id=71871708
Link to above screenshot https://news.bloomberglaw.com/secur...k-investors-sue-over-epstein-ties-stock-drops
Thats just wrong! Kid dies for what?!!!. The whys are in the multiple catagory, judge, Obama appointed, hubby a defence attorney, kid in a Catholic college. Hell that combo blankets nut jobs on ALL sides. Wonder how they are going to frame the, " It's all Trumps fault" narrotive.
There is a 500 tent homeless encampment in Powderhorn Park in South Minneapolis. The Police are forbidden to enforce city ordeniences and remove the tents. The Minneapolis city council has decided to go with the policy of encouraging people to leave. How Progressive.
All these websites should be ashamed. Framing things instead of reporting logically. 50 nights of "protests". How about 50 nights of people trying to commit serious felonies which include burning a federal courthouse. In most jurisdictions, the burning of an occupied dwelling can lead to life in prison. But yeah, the authorities are just supposed to stand down. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/20/christopher-david-portland-protest-video/
Considering the winter weather you guys get and how early you usually get it, they may be treating them as "nuisance geese" and are just waiting for the southern migration...
Agreed, thus the "blankets nut jobs on ALL sides" comment. Though that said, I'm doubting main stream won't paint it political if at all possible.
I have a friend lives by the lakes in Minneapolis with the taxes he pays he is not real happy to look out his very expensive window at a homeless camp.
Fwiw, maybe context... Charlotte has a tent city too, but all homeless shelters were closed due to C19. Not sure if the tent city was a response to shelters yo there also having been closed.