Requesting tear gas at several business locations and the Springfield police dept. Has asked for more units at the station itself as a crowd is growing quickly.
WTH! A VIDEO OF 3 Looters beating the hell out of a woman trying to protect her property half the size of those SB's. Aparently beat her senseless with husband screaming and swinging a golf club. Special place in hell for them and I hope they make the trip sooner than later. This happened in Rochester ny
What would it take to put an end to the rioting? Short of lethal force I mean. Are people being arrested in large numbers? Or are the majority of the looters being allowed to go unchecked? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
It would help with a speech from our President. One in which he says we can all do better. But he has lost part of his Presidential identity because he has cried wolf too many times on Twitter acting like a child.
All these protest leaders speaking. Change politicians. Change cops. If we do that we will be good. Not one time have I heard any personal accountability on how certain communities change their actions to lessen police contact.
Last night went better than expected. The congregates that I posted trying to rally up at the mall were cleared out, one in a pursuit but locad PD and state police were able to block all entrances to the mall. There was one shooting and a bar set on fire. The bar in question was cited several weeks ago for having a large party and had its liquor license revoked. Some are questioning whether it was intentionally targeted for insurance purposes. The group that started protesting at the SPD headquarters were led off to knock on doors by what I suspect was an undercover cop trying to de-escalate the mass. Was something about the way he charged on scene and calmed them down, at first they were against him, once they were calm and listening to him he led half or better of them away. Wasn't a residential neighborhood very close by sonnot sure what the knock on doors thing was about. Currently the large BLM protest going on downtown. Not too worried about it as the daytime protests have been civil and well received. It's the ones that assemble as the sun sets that I do not trust. Using the cloak of darkness as their shield to run amok.