Do you like gowild? After reading reviews it's like Facebook meets a dating site for outdoor ppl? More important is@germ there
Personally, I'm all for an Executive order regulating a private business. Seriously, what a victim. Tweet-storm, twitter tantrum what ever you want to call it, it is weakness on display. What a failure.
The thing is all those that hate Trump, who are embarrassed and disgusted by the President it is the democrats and Hilliary that got Trump elected. You know the ones that rigged the primary process so entitled Hilliary could be president. You people brought this on America.
40 million unemployed and rioting in Minnesota the happiest state I have been too, think about how worse it could be.
Who you calling "you people"? Six of one, half dozen of another. They all suck. Being embarrassed or critical of a person like Trump doesnt automatically mean I support the opposition. And it's the same this election cycle, vote for a rotten head of cabbage or a rotten can of sauerkraut, they're both one in the same, rotten. We dont get to have great leaders any longer just idiot figureheads serving corporate interests and the powers that be. But I know, the GOP is going to overturn Roe vs Wade, or at least that's what they've been saying since Reagan was elected, how's that going?
Cute! Does Obama have this fake Time cover hanging in his exclusive club that's being padded by the taxpayers dollars too?
Yes, just think..... It could be illegal to own a firearm by now. We could have a State Department that is willing to orchestrate a "sale" of even more of our uranium to Russia for kick-backs to private foundations. We could allow illegal aliens to vote for our President. We could be taken over by terrorists through open boarders. We could still have people dying from heart disease and diabetes which seem to have been cured. So, I guess it could be worse than having an overgrown child driving the bus. It could be a lot worse.
Damn right there it is ... the Dems would have destroyed this country.. Obama was only the start (actually it started a long time back, but I digress).. Heck, the Dems WILL destroy this country if they ever gain full control again, heck, some dem governors/mayors are trying to do it now ... ..some are to blind, ignorant to see this, that or they are all for the policies the dem politicians want .. I guess the dems on here are just fine having Mad Maxine, Pelosi, Shumer, Schift, Nadler, Jackson Lee, AOC, Omar et al. as their leaders ... what a crap fest they are ... and now they want Biden to lead that parade of fools.... ROFLMAO ...