Preach it, Donny! Should be 0 censorship on anything he Tweets like they are trying to do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Agreed. As an FYI. I’m Just posting my opinion and not trying to start a big giant back and forth war. I respect everyone’s opinion and could see if you disagree, but I’m not going back and forth. Can’t believe it but my entire family feels the same way. They never feel 100% that way when this type of thing happens. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yup. It’s gunna get bad. Tear gas and rubber bullets apparently already being used. Regular police driven from the street so now riot gear brought out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Let me guess IYO. Not condescending when you said It is just spray coming out of their mouths. Worthless. (your words)
Truth bomb bay doors opened, guided missile deployed. Prepare for the back peddle that even France can not rival.
let your eyes and common sense give you those answers. 1.) Lets assume shall we he had police training. I know for a fact that they are trained about the dangers of carotid artery collapse. Even basic training in martial arts teaches this. Our kids sensii was an officer and that was a first year teaching 2. Notice where his hand is. Not in a defensive " balancing " posture . As in ready for counter action to his force. He has it stuffed in his pocket 3. Look at the positioning of his feet. He knowingly had all of his body weight on the most vulnerable area of the neck. 4.. Put that aside and when a human is in real distress there is no "faking" that. So yes negligent homicide.