So I wrote my Senator, James Lankford, about the stock sell off. My focus was our other less than honorable Senator Jim Inhofe, Mr. Lankfords mentor. Of course, James Lankford heads up the Senate Ethics Committee so this will all get swept under the rug but at least he wrote me back. My aunt, a retired US Attorne,y wrote him.. crickets. This is Inhofes second violation of the Stocks Act, the same one he voted in favor on in 2012 but no matter just another handslapping and more proof that these clowns think themselves above the law.
Hhmmm... Using a pandemic to slide in socialism A Candidate in Early dementia, under a cloud of political financial and sexual abuse At the base of the worse political scandal and abuse in history trying to take down a political opponent/ President Literally cancelling state primaries while accusing the President of wanting to delay presidential election. Bye bye Bernie bros. Voter fraud schemes, in illegal alien votes ,vote harvesting ..ect ect Holy hell the list goes on and on and on and just wait for Durham to finally opens his flood gates... Ooppss, not to mention Flynn and Papadopoulos
What are your thoughts on states that take in more federal money than they put in the pot? So there are 10 states that don't do this today. The rest our moochers of those states, including my own. Virginia, you are the biggies moocher
Yesterday my Sister in-law texted me from Texas " Just filled up my tank, .58 a gallon! I love this state! " My response, " 2.39 a gal. we're chumps " BTW... Did YOU not tell me YOU left NYS?