@Germ GDPNow model creator comment over the weekend… https://talkmarkets.com/content/us-...on-gold-impact-to-gdpnow-forecast?post=485894
Yes, that is good news and thankyou for sharing. I am more optimistic after the jobs report, but still worry about the impact on companies that export. We are just a small company and only make around 40 test machines a year, we have lost 4 orders already 3 to Mexico and 1 to Canada. The Canada one hurt because that is a $200,000 machine. If we are losing business I am guessing others are also. It's not like we have competition, only two companies in the world make the test machines we make for auto industry. Us and a company in England.
you dont mess with DOGE and Trump ... ... what, you didnt hear about this on CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NBC, etc. .. .. (snicker snicker) .. President Trump Trolled an Activist Judge and Wasteful Federal Employees With $1 Credit Limit https://rumble.com/v6qeckw-presiden...-judge-and-wasteful-federal-employees-wi.html
well of course they are pissed, all their illegal gains is disappearing .. ... Musk is worried about a hit on him or his team .... never ever trust what a dem/Marxist/Socialist will do .... violence is not beyond their realm as we have seen before .. so if violence dosnt work, try political shenanigans (or is that the other way around? .. ) Democrats Are Trying To Kill DOGE By Killing Continuing Resolution Proposal https://townhall.com/tipsheet/sarah...aims-about-the-continuing-resolution-n2653515