I felt like Haley Joel Osment tonight. Every time they showed the Democrat side of the aisle "I seen dead people". Figuratively of course, but my god are they the oldest party in the country. Likely why conservatives/Republicans bich, they get replaced regularly while the Dems outlast. Maybe DOGE changes that, Eh?
love it, that dumb azz Green got kicked out by speaker Johnson for mouthing off at the start of Trumps speech ...
They are a gross and pathetic group. How does a single person think these beings could possibly govern others. They can't spark enough brain cells to applaud a wonderful moment for a young cancer survivor. A hard working young man wanting to serve his country after loosing his father. Honoring the victims and families of illegals crimes. Since the actual BIG Lie ,they perpetrated on the American people and the world, was revealed, they've mentally unraveled. Like a broken fake string of pearls bouncing across a floor. Yes just look at all their faces, look! they are not normal! Casting of the walking dead are looking up their phone numbers.
BTW, You want to see the type of beings those above govern. Go to the main stream medias coverages of the Carolinas fires and open up the comment section. .It is sick! Sick , sick ppl!
Reagan just make sense https://youtube.com/shorts/9_dmiSFbk38?feature=shared https://youtube.com/shorts/6gAR3L3kadI?feature=shared Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am happy for you. It great, my daughter is in a recession proof industry, so is my wife. I am not going to gloat about it as people may lose their jobs on bad policy. The tariffs on Mexico and Canada are just bad policy, but please explain to me how they are working and better for all Americans, not just those who take out the trash. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Green talking about filing impeachment against Trump for Gaza bombings that occurred under Biden. These politicians say whatever they want because they know stupid people exist in this country and will run with that instead of actually thinking.
these dems are really some true turd blossoms ... what is in the minds of these people .. Dems do not stand for 13-year-old cancer survivor: 'Truly sick people' 'Democrats didn’t even stand for the boy who survived brain cancer https://www.foxnews.com/politics/so...-do-not-stand-for-13-year-old-cancer-survivor
China has operatives in this country, both legal and illegal, that are infiltrating this country and stealing. F them.
You can bet we do too...spy v spy. Though it seems China makes extensive use of agents to illegally 'harvest' corporate IP.
And do you really think that the US has stopped cyber operations against Russia? At a minimum they are still probing and monitoring.
imagine that ..... (mucho sarcasm for those in Rio Linda) Ex-CDC Director: ‘Long Covid’ Is ‘mRNA Vaccine Injury’ https://slaynews.com/news/ex-cdc-director-long-covid-mrna-vaccine-injury/