Pretty narrow minded to think that a persons political leanings are an indication of work ethics. But carry on.
I roofed half a ranch house two weeks ago. My body still isn't back to normal. Great respect for those guys.
Walk into any corporate office where they are required to post notices to the effect of 'per govt regs, we're hiring an h1/l1/etc visa worker' Or Linked in, any consulting/contract/headhunter
So, what is the right solution? Foreign workers? I wish we could employ our own unemployed first. I'll be the first to tell you I'm no expert in immigration or economics, but I do put my countryman and women first. I'll pay extra for any product or service is that what it takes. I fully support shutting of immigration for now until ours are back to work.
In my honest opinion a lot of American workers won’t go looking for those jobs, especially when they are getting $600 a week unemployment checks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think your right unfortunately, but Hunger makes for a strong work ethic. maybe people need to be allowed to go hungry for a bit, instead of waiting for the the next govt handout. And perhaps we need to swallow our darn pride and pick vegetables! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
You all glaze over the real reason... Again. I am ( as are most) all for season help and new immigrants. In fact all immigration. Except illegal. That and if you have to work to get here legally maybe, just maybe you will be proud to be apart of this country. Which is more than half of us nationally.
Which is exactly why Democrats put it in there and want to extend it. And it's nit just $600, it's 600 on top of what unemployment ia giving them. So they are at their $15 an hour minimum wage job sitting at home and getting bonus checks from the state unemployment coffers.
Not sure what you mean by the top line. Why exactly did they want to put it in the bill? So Americans don't/won't go looking for the jobs that migrants were doing? I hear you loud and clear on the unemployment thing. My girlfriend is making more than me per week now that she can't go to either of her jobs. I know some people with business degrees who had good office jobs who were laid off and they are making more per week than when they had their job. It's helping people who had degrees and who lost their jobs because of this and it's unfortunately helping people who don't care to look for jobs in the first place. Would have been impossible to distribute anything separately.
Wasn't anything to do with migrant jobs. Was only about the $600 Democrats worded intonthe bill that was noy the same as what was verbally agreed to. Pelosi then came out and said they should extend it another 6-8 months. Democrat politicians do not want the economy recovered by November.
Thank you for following the law, when in fact, it is lawful. Simple concept for the courts to follow. "Removal of a lawful permanent resident from the United States is a wrenching process, especially in light of the consequences for family members," Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote in the court's opinion. "Removal is particularly difficult when it involves someone such as Barton who has spent most of his life in the United States. Congress made a choice, however, to authorize removal of noncitizens— even lawful permanent residents—who have committed certain serious crimes. And Congress also made a choice to categorically preclude cancellation of removal for noncitizens who have substantial criminal records. Congress may of course amend the law at any time. In the meantime, the Court is constrained to apply the law as enacted by Congress."