In the United States, airways or air routes are defined by the FAA in two ways: "VOR Federal airways and Low/Medium Frequency (L/MF) (Colored) Federal airways" These are designated routes which aeroplanes fly to aid in navigation and help with separation to avoid accidents. Airways are defined with segments within a specific altitude block, corridor width, and between fixed geographic coordinates for satellites navigation system, or between ground-based radio transmitter navigational aids (navaids; such as VORs or NBDs) or the intersection of specific radials of two navaids. Flights in and out of airports are via specific air corridors Question - why wasn't the Blackhwak flying in that approach corridor? UK reports its call sign PAT 25, which stands for priority air transport and is usually reserved for when the Army is conducting VIP missions, such as having officials onboard. So VIP flights don't have to obey FAA rules?
DEI hire of Air Traffic Controllers?
accurate? as it was night and the Blackhawk flying on visual, wonder if they were wearing night vision goggles, that would limit their field of view, from memory based on the quality of vision, in the civilian world they would be classed as legally blind based on their vision quality
In my opinion, Trump failed miserably on his response to the plane/helicopter crash. He had to immediately make it political. Nobody cares about the politics within moments after a horrific loss of many lives. He continues to disappoint me in how he handles himself in pressure situations. Always taking it to a grade-school level of finger pointing and name calling. Do better DJT, we need you to not suck at this. We need the office to be held by conservatives for many years to come. Acting like a child at the time of crisis is not a good look. Unfortunately, it is exactly what I feared the most from his second term. I have little hope that it will ever change. The man needs handlers that can reign him in to lessen the self-destructive behavior he is so prone to. At a time that we should come together as one, he took the opportunity to drive a wedge. Sad and misguided. End of rant.
Just wait for the facts to come out, and then state what your plan is to help this not happen again. It's not just Trump placing blame, when a tragedy happens each cult runs to their sides and start pointing fingers, there are people on the left cult pointing fingers also. Just let the facts come out and then put a plan together to fix it, it's that simple.
crap !! .. not good .....a medical jet with docs and a patient/pilots ... Plane crashes in Philadelphia, igniting inferno near homes and mall The plane took off from Northeast Philadelphia Airport
another video angle of the DC crash showing the crash ... how they could they not have seen the jet ....
It was a failure by a military aircraft out of proper altitude, might as well call people out, kind words will not bring people back.
When I was on the board of a professional association based in DC I flew into Reagan at least twice a year, the night flights in were always twisted and turned approaches.
Very tight landing patterns. Reagan is a hellhole of congestion. I used to drive to Richmond so I wouldn't have to deal with DC airports.
It blew up in air before diving to ground? Managing to ignite a gas line on impact? Debris was what caused house and car fires? I wonder if it was a oxygen tank that blew mid air.
I've only flown twice, back in the early 90's. To South Padre Island and a return from South Padre Island. Think the flight there was 2 planes and flight back was one. Could say I have flown 3 times. I'd still fly, but would rather drive when practical, wasn't back then. I just hate when tragic events occur so close together, can't help but think whether they are related or not, or caused intentionally, human nature at its best.