The Babylon Bee has put together the following list of guaranteed ways deporting illegal immigrants will devastate the country: Major League Baseball will be reduced to five teams: There just aren't enough native-born players to fill all the rosters. Californians will now be forced to mow their own yards: This will be the second-worst thing to happen in California this year. The burden will fall on Americans to do all the murdering and raping: It's a tall order to ask hardworking Americans to fill that large of a void. Springfield, Ohio will be overrun by the exploding stray cat population: If only there was someone there to eat them. The threat of Selena Gomez making more crying TikTok videos will increase exponentially: Hollywood may well be submerged under the flood of liberal tears. Millions of taxpayer-funded prepaid debit cards will just sit in a warehouse with no one to use them: How can a country function when it's not subsidizing immigrants' flatscreen TVs? Hotel rooms will fall into squalor due to not being cleaned: If you thought hotel rooms were dirty before (they were), just wait. A nationwide burrito shortage: Get ready to pay ridiculously marked-up prices for your carne asada burrito. Home Depot parking lots will become lonely, unpopulated wastelands: They were once bustling, humming hot spots. Not anymore. Millions of Americans will have learned to speak Spanish for nothing: There will be no one to ask "Donde esta la biblioteca?" anymore. So long, life in America. It was great while it lasted. What other disasters will result in the U.S. if all the illegal aliens are deported ?
Disgraced Dem/ ex-Sen. Bob Menendez sentenced to 11 years in bribery case Menendez made history as the first US Senator to be convicted as a foreign agent
WEF - JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon says the "US Stock Market is kind of inflated"
not good ......... Passenger Jet, Chopper Collide at Reagan Washington National Airport, FAA Says
video of the actual impact & crash ..
I hate flying. This furthers that thought. I don't understand why the air traffic controller Didn't radio the airplane and tell them to take evasive movements.
wouldn't it be easier to tell a helicopter to stop forward flight and hover than a larger plane taking evasive action at the last second? no doubt a large plane, probably coming in to land on reduced power with flaps fully extended wouldn't be highly manouverable especially so close to the ground Flaps fully extended on landing - slower stall speed, which means you can land slower, and produce more drag, which allows you to fly a steeper descent angle to the runway. i scratch my head with helicopter accidents like Kobe Bryants it got lost in fog & flew into a mountain. A plane needs to fly at 500mph to remain airbourne, a helicopter can hover and fly backwards, if they get lost in fog - why don't they stop & hover? Slowly go up or down to get out of the fog bank & see where they are
I see they think perhaps there was confusion on which plane the BH was aware of. You can see another plane flying in front of both . You'd be surprised just how fast and how steep an angle planes can take in an emergancy. We were flying out to Oragon due to my neice being swept away in a flash flood. Our first transfer was in Chicago. As we were landing I looked out my window and said to my Father that Cessna is going to hit us. Just then we heard the tires sqeech as they hit the strip and the planes engines took a deafening roar as we all took a near flat back angle in our seats going straight up. A few seconds later the pilot calmly came over the intercom. He stated sorry folks but we have a Cessna that doesn't know our landing procedures and we'll have to circle a bit before landing. That was way to close for I could clearly see the cessnas pilot they were so close
yes, Choppers were our normal mode of transport and insertion mode... CH46/CH53's and Hueys ...I actually trust choppers more than airliners ....
When my dad was stationed at Camp Pendleton he crashed on a helicopter. Broke many of his teeth. He said he hates the sobs. Lol
Wow...they started blaming Trump for crash moments after it happened. That's right Trump is actually your God, for you have chosen to firmly embed him into your consciousness full time. As with most humans that have a belief in their own God, during times of tragedy we ask God why he allowed it. Eventually your wear your selves out and just except him as your president like it or not.