OMG! Florida Elementary PRINCIPLE & TEACHER arrested for an under aged drinking party. It is time to bring back pilgrim town square stocks
oh, quack !! Duck Farm Forced To Euthanize Approximately 100,000 Ducks Due To Bird Flu
They forced the killing of hundreds of Ostrich that were actual test birds on avian flue resistance P. S. Watch coverage and wording...desperate fear mongering . Time to put some checks on this before it spins out of control. Mandates in place that if you go to the hospital for flue or pneumonia you HAVE to be tested for avian flue. If positive you are put in quarantine immediately and treated accordingly. I see a wide increase in deaths and false positives ...ooopppsss my bads to follow
US needs to take some of that frozen foreign aid and send it to this guy and his friends. Lethal Ex-Marine Sends Viral Death Threat Video To Cartel Bosses
This is where social media needs to do it's thing....all conservative and moderate "influencer" should hammer ,hammer, hammer this Schiff issue if true. That until Trump and Congress do something about it holding him a private citizen preferably.
Catholic leadership sent a letter to the governor of Minnesota pleading to not allow sports betting in Minnesota, funny that strong leadership was crickets, no letter of protest when abortion up till birth was passed in Minnesota. I say F Lutheran and catholic charities, they make money by bringing in immigrants and protest against stopping illegal aliens.
They stopped being true houses of worship and fellowship to money hungry political corperations. Not new just more blatant. This isn't a dig at ppl that still believe in organized religion . People have their own realities. It's just my observations.
They pool their money and disperse it like a corporation, yet no taxes. Influence everything, yet act like they are a neutral God fearing group. When are we going to realize that humans are power hungry creatures and we aren't really going to change that through religion, laws, nothing. This is the way of the world, all the way down to every darn animal and microscopic organism. End of story.
I am really enjoying the liberal angst of Trump's second term, you pricks had it coming and the momentum is against them.
Remember when the liberals told us Tony was the truth, ivermectin was horse paste, masks and social distancing worked and and you were a racist nut job if you thought covid escaped from a Chinese lab, those people mocked us. Enjoy that as those nut jobs lose their mind over Trump. Same dumb bastards that call you a cult member.
pretty sure the millions killed and even more millions displaced by the USA's forever wars along with countries that are put on sanctions because they refuse to kowtow to the US would beg to differ, where trade embargos are aimed at killing the weak, young, elderly, infirmed. Not forgetting the US' funding and supporting terrorist organsations like Al-Qaeda and ISIS to destabilise regions and kill that countries civilians. Sanctions are an act of war that require nothing more than a signature on paper, yet often kill more civilians than the wars they accompany and sometimes deliberately target the most vulnerable remember - "the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it" - US Secretary of State Madeline Albright where the US lied and invaded Iraq despite the United Nations Security Council saying it was illegal. I could go on, and on...... and on
Are you just here for propaganda posts to which you protest? I'm not sure that you have ever posted outside of the political thread, but in this thread you post heavy right wing propaganda, then at times speak against the US and its policies or past practices/doings. Are you here to push an agenda and prove a point or do you love this Country?