OMG! There is just no fixing some things. Demo and start all over NJ has a teacher shortage. Their genius solution? We need to eliminate teacher employment testing in READING AND MATH to recrute more teachers that already can't teach, READING AND MATH BOBBLE HEADS
They did something similar a few years back for airline pilots. Ramifications have yet to be realized I'm guessing, nothing good can become of that. Education has been under attack for awhile now. Common core math, no child left behind etc.... Gotta love Obama for that brainchild I warned back in 2006 about the detriments of putting a Chicago politician in the Whitehouse. Chicago is the most corrupt city in the nation and makes IL the most corrupt state by far. I'm 50 years old working in manufacturing, you cannot hire anyone 35 years and younger and expect work ethic or willingness to learn as a trait. It's sad and very sombering as blue collar jobs are the hardest to fill, but the very jobs that keep this country running.
remember the early 2000's TV show Firefly and the following movie Serenity, everyone spoke English and Chinese
He's a superintendent that hires and trains his own team. Biggest issues are the subcontractors and engineers
It sorta makes sense. Surrounded by the north, central and south America continental masses. Instead of being named for one adjacent nation.
It doesn't, it also cost Zero to make most americans with a sense of humor and understanding those that do not
You act like you are a moderate and hate to see problems on both sides yet all you do is try to expose the right for whatever your narrative from CNN tells you to. You are honestly the worst part of this forum. Please consider leaving as you don't hunt and your gas lighting and misinformation is tiring at best. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Please, please DO NOT TELL ME How these people with multi million dollar homes that take vacations, drive fancy cars, wear designer clothes need the rest of the country's population to bail them out financially. This said after reports that many did not purchase fire insurance ,when they could. Those that had it and let it laps. This State burns EVERY SINGLE YEAR! I pray hard NO ONE loses their life in this. Life is a choice, you chose to live in a state that mother nature has ALWAYS been trying to shake out of existance or burn it into non existance.
I find it funny as hell, I love the lady who countered and offered to take Cali, WA, and Oregon I find we want to buy Greenland as his best idea. It's well known as the ice melts. Greenland is rich with nickel, cobalt, titanium, and, yes, gold. It's great for making electric motors and batteries. I am sure there is no influence from anyone who would benefit Again I hope he does exactly what he said he would do, I am in 100% support!!!