hope they have better luck than when they used what - two $300,000.00 plus each Sidewinder missiles to shoot down the alledged Chinese weather balloon
The drones...hhhmmmm To that in local news 60yr. old leaves home in suburb of Rochester does not return home, cops called. They use "technology " to find his car 30 + miles south in Dansville. The guy's no where to be seen. Next day 15 miles north of car , county seat and sheriffs base, 911 gets a call from the parking lot . I'm here and I'm turning in a dead body.. Short of it bullet holes in Dad and Sons driving car. How's this related to drones? WELL Local sheriff's had technology to trace a unmanned parked car within a day or two. The U.S. government can't track the source of Hundreds of drones in protected and non protected air space for MONTHS Yah sure.....
Having lived on Oahu for a bit, it was a lib state back then and worse now, it has some of the most whacked-out politicians and Judges around .. they despise the 2A there ... oh, you wont hear about this on CNN/MSNBC either .. btw, this is a very good read with info on the 2A and the courts .. December 15, 2024 Hawaii Judges Say ‘to Hell with the Constitution’ As Scalia famously remarked, “The Constitution is not a living document — it is a legal document.” This sharp declaration underscores a vital truth: the Constitution is not a chameleon, changing with the political winds or cultural trends. It is a fixed, enduring framework meant to safeguard liberty and ensure the rule of law. Judges are bound by its text and original meaning, not free to reinterpret it to suit their preferences or the moment’s fashionable ideologies. To treat it otherwise is to abandon constitutional governance altogether. This principle could not be more relevant in the wake of the Hawaii Supreme Court’s defiance of U.S. Supreme Court precedent in State v. Wilson. The procedural posture of the case is important: Christopher Wilson, a Hawaii resident, was charged in 2017 with carrying a pistol without a license while hiking. Wilson argued that his actions were protected by the Second Amendment, particularly after the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen (2022), which affirmed the right to carry a firearm in public for self-defense. waaay more at link .. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/12/hawaii_judges_say_hell_with_the_constitution.html
Based on the presidential election the family business will be investing in a new manufacturing facility, more square footage combining two separate facilities into one. Investing 10 million $ that would not have happened if Harris was elected. Best part is the projected cost of 10 million will be 8.5 because of the brilliant mind we hired to broker the deal and handle the build out.
I dedicatee this to Germ ,whom never had anything to say concerning her , walz, or any of the other Libtards Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
makes sense. 2023 - Chinese balloons 2024 - drones 2025 - to be advised since when did the US Govt need an excuse to go to war? trouble is they are running out of countries to attack before having to start at the beginning again
Those two alone confirm my opinion of woman in political power. Then set your eyes on the maneuvering of several congress woman, they wrap up that opinion.
why would the Biden Govt shoot down their own drones? so the $$ million question is - why aren't they telling anyone and what BS will they come up with?
when you see posts like this on social media, no wonder disinformation abounds another broken arrow? whats that - 32 nuclear accidents since the 1950's? best quote ever "I don't know what's scarier, losing a nuclear weapon or that it happens so often ther's actually a term for it."