Mayorkas has the most punchable head with the way he mumbles & drags every speech out, by the time he says "stop" you would have laid 6 or 7 good ones on his melon also Lindsey Graham, but he'd curl up in the fetal position crying for his mommy while urinating in his pants, so all you'd have to do is yell at him for that to occur like you, i find violence against women by a man to be abhorrent, but in Pelosi's case think I'd make an exception
This should be much bigger news... "The Federal Office of Management and Budget released a report in August that found "as of May 2024, approximately 50% of federal workers worked every day in roles that are not eligible for telework, including those who work onsite providing healthcare to our veterans, inspecting our food supply, and managing Federal natural resources."
Breaking news Biden to preemptively pardon Newson for all crimes committed Jan 1 2025 - Jan 1 1035 Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
oh snap ......... Fans of ‘Hawk Tuah’ Girl Hailey Welch Now Want Her in Prison For Running a Massive Crypto Scam – Hapless Investors Lost Millions!
let the truth be known .. Federal Judge Orders FDA to Release Covid ‘Vaccine’ Trial Docs Pfizer Wants Hidden from Public for 75 Years... The federal agency claimed it would need up to 75 years to process and release the requested documents. However, President Donald Trump-appointed U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman rejected this argument. The Texas judge cited the importance of government accountability and gave the FDA just under seven months to release the documents to the public.
So I live in a small town considered an outsider. Couple weeks back I was home alone and went to town to the tavern for a bar burger. The bar owners mother has a cabin on the lake, she came to chat with me, she had a trump cup and thought I would be offended. evidently people thought I was a liberal. Went to town for a burger tonight and funny people were more chatty, yeah I am conservative but not a racist bigot that is homophobic. Is there anybody that can represent the middle?
The drones over Jersey, I'd laugh if it was deer recovery drones. Don't they have deer lift sized ones? I thought drones had to be FAA(?) registed if over a certain size? More like gov. Testing
Syria has fallen, Assad has flown the coup ....
West trying to re-badge the group fighting in Syria as "rebels" yet are an internationally recognised terrorist organisation Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) US Govt put a $10 million bounty on al-Jolani's head (2013), the US Govt listed him a "Specially Designated Global Terrorist." (2017) Designation as a terrorist organisation and sanctioned by: USA, Canada, Turkey, Morocco, UK, Russia, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, United Nations, European Union. Western media headlines after being funded and supported by the US, Israel & Turkey to overthrow Assad:- WSJ "how a rebel went from American jail to seizing Aleppo" the Telegraph / the Washington Institute for Near East Policy 03 Dec 2024 "how Syrias diversity friendly jihadist plan on building a state" the Economic Times 30 Nov 2024 "Abu Mohammad al-Jolani the bearded man with the $10 million bounty on his head could be the next troublemaker in the Middle East" "in the future Syria we believe that diversity will be our strength" - Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, the founder of the Al-Qaeda offshoot in Syria (wonder who in the west told him to say that?) Despite having a $10 million bounty on his head - he is interviewed by CNN Diversity? Lets see how welcoming they are of LGBTQAI++ Haaretz 08 Dec 2024 "IDF to take control of buffer zone" - that should make Bezalel Smotrich happy as he has demanded Israel takes land in Syria up to Damascus & in Lebanon to create a greater Israel. US Rand Corporations "extending Russia" oped - Chapter 4 Geopolitical Measures: Measure 2 Increase support for Syrian rebels. It lists the risks: the United States does not have a single actor to aid in the fight in Syria but rather faces a plethora of groups—often with murky affiliations—increasing the chances of weapons falling into the wrong hands. The New York Times reported in 2016 that weapons intended for Syrian rebels and shipped into Jordan and Saudi Arabia by the CIA had been systematically stolen and that, as a result, the Middle East black market for arms is now awash in assault rifles, mortars, and rocket-propelled grenades. Finally, supporting the rebels could run counter to the most prominent objective of the Trump administration’s Middle East foreign policy—fighting radical Islamist terrorism. As Trump argued (1st term as Prez), by defeating the Syrian government, the United States would also destroy an enemy of the radical Sunni Islamic terrorist groups. Indeed, as the United States saw in Iraq and later in Libya, terrorist groups often can thrive in the political vacuums left by the downfall of strongman governments. Likelihood of success: Apart from the risks outlined above, any policy to boost support to the Syrian rebels would likely need to overcome multiple hurdles - starting with a political obstacle. Aiding the Syrian rebels has never been popular. Back in 2013, Gallup found that only 37 percent of Americans approved of Obama administration plans to arm the rebels (54 percent disapproved). Since then, the numbers declined further as the Obama administration’s attempts to stand up a moderate opposition faltered. Polling from August 2016 showed that a mere 26 percent of Americans supported such a move. Reverting back to such a policy, consequently, would require a significant effort to sell it to the American public. The United States would also face an international political hurdle. Boosting support to anti-regime elements would likely require Turkish cooperation because Turkey is not only geographically adjacent to Syria but also one of the most powerful actors backing the opposition. Turkey, however, might back the initiative only if the United States were to cease its support for the Kurdish rebels that Turkey views as a threat. The Kurds, however, are staunch U.S. allies in Syria and Iraq, and one of most militarily competent secular rebel groups remaining. what did the US promise Erdogan? oil pipelines through Turkey?
someone in the CIA has obviously thought green military fatigues are the new look for leaders fighting for liberation and freedom where have we seen that look before? oh yeah!
remember the time you had to siphon gas ... or you used gas back then to get paint off your hands or even pumping gas (I worked at a station for a summer for extra cash, mid 70's , ) .. yet, here we are .. Study Finds That Lead in Gasoline May Have Caused Over 150 Million Excess Cases of Mental Health Disorders