I was a bartender before I left high school. Before college I was managing a club after college managed another. Over the years I have managed and owned a few business. Do not forget, she was discovered and groomed to run. She had or still has handlers. She can play the bartender card all day. She can not play , I'm an independent, intelligent, well rounded person card, as long as she has words falling from her mouth. Great thing about politics now, the " cloud ", it will always hang over them.
pretty sure the first debate would find her out well - the first discussion about pretty much anything unless its about discussing what color shade of lipstick she is wearing or the ingredients to a Brandy Alexander even then she'd probably struggle so may have to fall back on talking about vodka shots or tequila slammers
Guys this is important , please watch the whole thing. Global warming, dying forest, human health This woman knows what she's talking about.
I'd sure like to say that I was surprised but I guess that it had to be expected. If you or I had had those ATF charges, unless we knew somebody, we'd be in jail. Pardoning him before the sentencing so the jailed felon label isn't there.
My guess is Joe wakes up tomorrow and is told what he did. Trump would have done it, pretty much said so himself, doesn't like political prosecuting. Sadly, the Dems don't want Trump to be seen as compassionate, ruins the narrative for the next 4 years and a month and a half.
who didn't see this coming? "unrelenting attacks and selective prosecution" - oh - but orangeman - he deserves everything he gets, even his last name fits it perfectly - Trump on Trumped up charges! no-one is above the law - exept Hunter & me!
obviously why Kamala made "you're all special" & "Thanksgiving" videos in the same outfit she's had to hock off all of her other clothes to pay off the debt seen any deals on ebay?
I did not and you know it, you move on This is what it looks like Bonehead why do you support a man who sleeps with underage girls? Now go read what I wrote, which was “anyone” I have no idea if you supported the pick or not. You simple said it was a setup. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's exactly what I said. There you go again with saying it looks like i did support him. Your twist and turn optics are silly. I have moved on Gary. You need to get in line with the rest of the sheep.
figured this was coming .. President Biden Pardons Son Hunter Despite Pledge Not To ... https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/biden-son-hunter/2024/12/01/id/1189966/
if you got jabbed, you just may be a walking cancer time bomb .... you were warned DONT GET JABBED .... all the hazards of the jab's are now showing ..... Professor Breaks Down in Tears Exposing the Devastation Inflicted by Covid 'Vaccines' https://rairfoundation.com/professor-breaks-down-tears-exposing-devastation-inflicted-covid/ Turbo Cancers and Genetic Chaos Brighthope described the emergence of “turbo cancers”—aggressive, fast-growing malignancies appearing shortly after booster shots. “We are seeing patients who’ve been cancer-free for years relapse with cancers that grow at terrifying speeds,” he said. These cancers—affecting the pancreas, ovaries, lungs, and colon—show patterns never seen before. “We’re diagnosing cancers that are genetically distinct but growing in the same organ. It’s unheard of,” he said. Blood cancers like lymphomas and leukemias are also surging. “These conditions are appearing just weeks after vaccination, and yet health authorities are refusing to acknowledge the connection,” Brighthope stated. “They Knew the Risks” Brighthope didn’t hold back about the deliberate negligence of those responsible for approving these vaccines. “The dangers of synthetic DNA integrating into human cells have been known for decades,” he said. “This isn’t speculation. This is well-established science, ignored with devastating consequences. He revealed that contamination levels in some vaccine vials were 145 times above the permissible limit. Even worse, the vaccines contained SV40, a known cancer-promoting sequence. “This contamination is unforgivable. It’s clear the authorities prioritized speed over safety,” he said. The Technology Was Never Safe Brighthope pointed out that the mRNA technology behind these vaccines was flawed from the start. “The delivery system—modified RNA in lipid nanoparticles—was always going to spread throughout the body, affecting the brain, heart, ovaries, and testicles. The authorities knew this, yet they approved it anyway,” he said. Adding to the evil scandal, he noted that endotoxins, contaminants that can cause shock and even death, were present in the vaccines. “This should have been caught before a single dose was given,” he said, shaking his head. “We’re Living Through the Most Dangerous Experiment in History” Brighthope condemned the global response to COVID-19 as “the most reckless, uncontrolled experiment ever conducted on mankind.” He accused governments of hiding behind the mantra of “safe and effective,” ignoring evidence of harm. “Even the claim of 95% efficacy was a lie,” he said. “The manufacturers themselves admitted they didn’t have enough data to ensure these vaccines were safe.” more at link
When the news broke into my football game I was hoping Biden had kicked off and we would get a month of Kamala, but no, it was just a presidential pardon. Very disappointing, and not worthy of interrupting my regularly scheduled program. I wonder what I would do if I was President for a month? Declare a few new holidays? Order an assassination of some sort? So many options.
Hunters parden covers from 2014 to 2024 guess Joe's trying to cover dodgy dealings with Burisma too if only there was a record like a notebook, or a laptop that was left at a computer repair shop Oh wait!
KJP - more announcements to come so Biden will pardon himself over ay possible dodgy dealings in Ukraine & China? along with pardoning anyone and everyone with a last name of Biden or family member for funneling money through them with 10% for the big guy