gotta keep the grift going with 10% for the Big Guy before Jan the outgoing admin gotta look good to the MIC so they can get their jobs on the Board of Directors at Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Grumman etc
ON THIS THANKSGIVING, ASK YOUR YOUNG FAMILY MEMEBERS ABOUT THANKSGIVING. I had the grandsons yesterday I asked them what school teaches them about thanksgiving and how it started. Both really nothing. There was a meal , they are told of the different tribes and what was taken from them. The youngest only discussed food. Maybe it's time we start subtly teaching are kids actual history. The good as well as bad . I'm thankful for many things, the health we still have, home, family. Also our library we have the encyclopedia with the great books we have many historical series of true stores on the settling the west. I have books of civil war soldiers letters home.Books no ones been able to " revise". I'm thankful I had history teachers that were still taught history themselves .
happy Thanksgiving - unless you're leftie nutters who has abandoned all family & friends because they voted for DJT
Man I hope all your Thanksgiving gatherings were as great as ours. We laughed, ate like kings, played games and reminisced. One of our best thanksgivings in years as we were all so relaxed.
Ohhh Geezzzzzz. I am happy but sad. They are pushing the air head as their next candidate. Happy in the knowledge that she showed herself from day one. Sad, 4 yrs of her gearing up and on thr air waves.
They are already starting the groom for AOC for president the libs think she will appeal to the younger voters. Just when you think they could never find a worse candidate than Hillary, they trot out Harris, just when you think they could never find another candidate worse than Harris they consider AOC, a bartender turned politician.
Wokism is going to be the end of the Democratic party. Tying your wagon to a mule that lays down on the job and screams it's unfair; doesn't get the vegetables to the market!
who thinks there needs to be an audit? Schumer must be pissed - he got jipped out of $23 mill do they pay tax on that?
just imagine AOC's pick for a vice Prez! can't be smarter than the prime candidate as you know she can't cackle as good as Kamala so she'll have to kill time during an interview another way god i hope it isn't by talking is it just me or is her voice like fingernails down a blackboard? Vance must be shaking in his boots - NOT
He probably should be she’s a household name in every house in America. She has a strong social media presence. She would be harder to beat than you think. Plus she can plan that look I am like you a simple bartender card. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk