Because I am hunting and I am going to enjoy this clown show Great comment from the CEO of Exon, looks like US is not going to increase production. "I'm not sure how drill, baby, drill translates into policy," Woods said, adding the U.S. shale production does not face constraints from "external restrictions." Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Perfect job for him, and he may be one of the few qualified to do it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am a dog person, I hate cats. Hands are full right now with our dog Bailey as he has epilepsy and getting his seizures under control.
I am sure nobody here has ever seen a 17 year old female act like she is 18 or 19 NO NEVER right germ
I have as acquaintance that is a registered sex offender because of this. She said she was 21. He was at a bar. She was at the bar. I guess he should have asked for a ID. She said she was the DD reason for not drinking. Yes it happens. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe it’s just me, but when we start making excuses for a man sleeping with a 17 year old who’s 39, perhaps just maybe he’s not the best choice for Attorney General. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh stop! Act my fanny, they out right lie, lie lie . The only time in history females did not lie about bring older was way back before the 17 hundreds when marrying YOUNG was the important thing. They'd lie about how much younger they were then. Amendment Females under the age of 25
Here is a novel idea when you are smearing a person that has not been charged and that is after an actual police investigation, you best come to the conversation with ACTUAL PROOF.
While a very valid point, this needs to be settled in court of law if there is grounds for legal proceedings. We are still, at least supposedly, a nation where innocence is maintained until guilty is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Neither side gains anything from circumstances like this by arguing in the court of social media opinion.
looks like big Pharma wont be happy with news of RFK Jnr being nominated with as H&HS Secretary Biden milking the 10% for the big guy while he can funny how you don't hear "every dollar we have will be going to the people devastated by the fires in Hawaii or the hurricanes."
Well like most things, some people have the means to get out of the rule of law. You know someone is going to leak that report
Ken serious question what is going to happen when Russia takes Ukraine, I am sure you know it's about natural gas and protecting US Energy companies new LNG terminal they built in Ukraine. Do you think the members of congress on both sides are going to allow that to happen, being they are in the pocket of these companies?
its about gas is it? more like keeping the laundering money scheme going between UA & Washington which is part of the USA's forever wars. Don't tell me you've already forgotten what Assange told the world about Americas forever wars - its all about money for the MIC, money laundering for congress. Biden doesn't want UA to collapse on his watch & is happy to keep it going so Trump will then be seen as the President who lost to Russia thats why the US haphazardly withdrew from Afghanistan, they knew they had to prepar for war with RU just as they want to wind up UA to go to war with Iran or China (take your pick) US had best hope the Ukrainians don't blow up the US pipelines just as Gilligan, MaryAnn, the Professor, Therston Howel III & Lovie blew up Nord Stream from the Minnow so why did RU send the USA & NATO a draft for security framework in Europe to prevent war in 2021? Stoltenberg is on video saying they received it - ignored by the USA & NATO Or how about how not only Oleksii Arestovych - former miltary officer & aid to UA president (he and 7 others have acknowledged it) is on video saying that RU were extremely generous with concessions (all in UA's favor) including removal of all troops from UA for neutrality. And then on orders from the US - Boris Johnson flew to Kiev and told Zelensky not to sign peace in April 2022 so if its about te gas is it - so why did 1/ RU try to prevent war in 2021 and 2/ say they will withdraw all of their troops from the UA for neutrality? Minsk 2 - you remember that - the peace agreement that Germany & France brokered that the west ignored when UA started back up their shelling of the Donbas. As stated by Jacques Baud - former Colonel in the Swiss Army, NATO officer & UN peacekeeper - RU had said the fighting in the Donbas was an internal matter for UA & refused to be involved. Only after the Donbas declared independance & requested protection from RU did the State Duma vote to do something to protect them. OSCE had noted a massive build up of UA troops on the Donbas border. Oh but of course the west says it is "Putins war" - a technique the US uses when they go to war - they make it about an individual that they must obverthrow - see Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi - the 2 leaders that tried to sell their countries oil in a currency other than the US$ & Putin is doing with RU oil And how many times did RU offer peace? Kirby repeatedly stted it is up to UA to seek peace bt whenever RU and / or China offered peacetalks it is the USA who torpedoes them Tell us when RU said they want to take over all of Ukraine when RU have repeatedly offered peace proposals You probably believe they thought they'd take it in 3 days here's a bit of news for you sparky - that was a Miley quote where he said if RU fully mobilised they could take it in 3 days. you probably also believe the BS where RU is the second best military in UA and is using pre WW2 shovels and washing machine electronics and next minute RU wont stop until they are looking across the Channel at the White Cliffs of Dover. Zelensky knows if he seeks peace his Nzi banderite buddies will have him swinging from a lamp post in the Maidan, you know - the ones the west ignores when it suits them despite saying in 2019 that they are a big problem in UA Maybe NASA should find out what washing machines they use so they can rescue their own astronauts next time After the repeated refusal for peacetalks & refusal to go back to the Istanbul peace agreements, RU have said their goal now is to secure the safety of the RU speakers in the Donbas where western supplied long range missiles will never be able to hit them - you remember them - the people that Poroshenko & Zelensky had been shelling after the 2014 violent and illegal coup up to 2022. Zelensky ran on a platform of peace saying he would end the civil war but once in power instead of ending the shelling - he increased it as noted by OSCE. Merkal admitted Minsk was a sham to allow the west to fund, arm and train UA military to NATO standards where it was the second largest military out of NATO countries and the largest military in Europe - designed to provoke and go to war with RU. Oleksii Arestovych is on video saying the price for UA to enter NATO is to provoke war with RU that leads to RU's defeat - thats why in 2019 EU politicians were showing maps of RU broken apart into republics under the control of EU all so the west could go back to raping RU of its oil, gas and mineral wealth - something they had been doing from 1992-2002 when Putin ended it. So had the US / NATO accepted the 2021 peace plan, had the US not gotten Boris Johnson to tell Zelensky not to sign peace in 2022 - UA borders would have remained unchanged & fully under UA control. But thats not enough for the west, they want access to RU's minerals as well. maybe you should read the Rand Corporations paper, commissioned before the SMO by the US military on how to provoke & go to war with RU who they acknowledged were trying to avoid conflict by using UA as their proxy where it lists providing lethal military aid to UA along with illegal sanctions, blocking of banks etc to get regime change. No different from the 2009 Brooking Institutes paper "which path to Persia" on how to provoke & go to war with Iran using Israel as their proxy. It even devotes an entire chapter on Israel (Ch5 Leave it to Bibi - allowing or encouraging an Israeli military strike) where it lists one of the advantages of getting Israel to attack Iran - means Israel will be blamed on the global stage and not the US.