Hey Hispanics, listen very carefully to that racist puke Sharpton. Blacks are racist against Hispanics , stating your racist against blacks....OMG all the truths are spilling out
Also it will be interesting to see now that the GOP has capturered the Latino male vote how fast they act to deport them and how fast the democrats change their tune in the border now that they are losing votes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Deporting latino voters? You are going to have to explain why latino American citizens are being deported?
Future voters, who now they want to become citizens, now the dems do not. You knew that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here is why they lost… They were extreme left Trump is middle Right Extremists are fugginnuts If they can’t figure that out … then they are as stupid as they seem Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Fed cuts another 25bps Saw a good point from one of the economic wonks- lowering interest rates, proposed tariffs, and a desire for a weaker dollar may be a difficult ask/proposition for the Trump admin.
A fundamental different philosophy as you know. Illegal immigrants<>citizens for republicans. Dems have been pushing for the path to citizenship for years as well as pitching non-citizen voting… Where the rubber will hit the road are blended families and/or non-citizen parents with naturalized children.
Every other nation in the world gets it. Only in America do we have the freedom to be stupid enough to struggle with this concept.
$9 billion to UA? (ok - to the MIC) Bidens last act as President? gotta keep the cash flowing with 10% to the big guy before she's all over in Jan actually think his last act will be to pardon Hunter of all charges no one is above the law - except the Biden family (& Clintons, Pelosi's, Obama's etc)
the US needs to have 2 sets of prices One set can remain as is (& increase with CPI) and that will be the price for all Kamala voters the other, lower price can be for the Trump voters
Progressive Supremacy, they really think they are better than a person who does not buy into their BS.
Well all you single guys did for sure ^^^^^^^ The nut job lefties are shaving their heads, refusing male sex, won't have kids. Duhhhhh you won't have male sex ,no kidding no kids Any who they will now be easier to spot....lol
These nutjobs can't figure out why Trump won in such fashion? 70M Americans are all ignorant, uneducated racists? Bold.
amazed the Senator didn't jump the table & throttle him Mayorkas has the most punchable head fair dinkum