From getting their ashes beat by men in sports, criminal aliens, and the WW3 draft. You have one job- to protect her. To hell with her feelings. You are her dad, not her friend. You don't have to like DJT, you can even hate him. But he will do everything he can to keep us out of WW3 and will remove millions of criminal aliens from our communities. He will do anything within his power to make us more safe and secure as a nation. Say whatever else you want to about him, his first term record proves this. With DJT, you get JDV. RFK. Ron Paul. Elon. Tulsi. Vivek. Freedom. Peace. Private Industry. Exploration. Equal application of law. America first. Sovereignty. With Harris, you get the Cheneys. Pelosi. Soros. Schwab. The IMC. WEF. The Swamp. Oppression. Endless war. State Corporatism. Outsourcing. Anarcho-tyranny. America last. Surrender. Even if you live in a blue state, that should be enough to get off your butt and go vote. Send the message- Be heard.
We did our part here, Trump takes Indiana(11)... also Kentucky(8) .... its a start ......... whats her face has Vermont (3)..
In the end when I think of all the money spent on BOTH sides to elect any of these people I get ill. The people that could be helped. Vets, people dying because of no or bad insurance. Natural disasters. Our countries infrastructure as in the grid,bridges roads water plants. Not big on over reach regulations, that said, I'd love to see campaign laws stopping all this. Capping it and audits mandatory top to bottom
Trump just took PA. .... 3 pts short of 270 now ... O'Biden is smiling, Kommie-La, not so much... The GOP will have control of the POTUS chair, House and Senate (if all continues as it is now) ... time to get to work and turn this country (and others ) around .. its over .. Alaska just went for Trump, 270 !! .. then there is still Wisc., Mich, Nev. and AZ. which Trump leads all for now ... addendum : Trump just took Wisc. ..