I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not, but this virus has shown me which of my friends would have turned me in to the redcoats. a few people I know said they would be contacting the police for anyone not wearing masks, or other arbitrary things. I get that people are scared, but come on! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I have been wearing one. I'm all over our shop by our hourly workers. Have meetings with core management- thankfully, we are teleconferencing more. Only takes one of us to spread this through out the building.
I hear you on that. What a joke. Essential is supposed to be determined by the criteria set forth by homeland security guidelines. Seems like anyone even remotely connected to one of those categories has used it to stay open. Dominos is another example. "We are food industry". Food, sure. ESSENTIAL? NO.
Mark Robinson is awesome. He just won the republican nomination for LT. Governor by a landslide. Beat out the career politician who was supposed to be the heir to that throne as well as several others. One of the few times I have ever voted and didn’t feel like the candidate I was voting for was a scumbag politician and only getting my vote because they were the lesser of 2 evils. I sent in my form to volunteer to help out with his campaign a few months back. Only time I’ve ever offered to volunteer for a campaign and probably the only time I ever will. Haven’t heard anything back from them though but apparently they’ve had a couple thousand other people who also signed up to help out so they probably have things covered.
Pretty much all my friends and family left in sweet ole NC love this guy and echo your assessment of non-scumbag status.
new Biden 'ad' from Carpe Donkum is hilarious .. https://drop.space/watch/this-new-ad-is-fire_knBQ3mP1GsY1Skj.html