If someone has brought this up I apologize but did ya'll see the story where teamsters did an electronic poll of union members and it came back in favor of Trump, so of course they had to redo their poll with a phone poll which came back with an even larger margin for Trump. So what does the Union do? Do they endorse Trump? No, they release their poll results and say "we endorse no one, no one earned our endorsement" UH? https://www.dailywire.com/news/kama...t-after-members-back-trump?topStoryPosition=2
remember this, most unions, esp. the larger ones like Steelworkers, UAW, Teachers unions, Teamsters, etc. are nothing but a legalized mob similar to a crime family but with more political pull .... glad their members are finally waking up ... I know a few who are brain dead robots to their masters and will do what ever their union bosses say, even knowing the threats the dems pose to this country ..
1. I would enforce the current anti-trust laws and break up these companies. We need more competition in the marketplace. 2. I would pass immigration law that basically stops a person ability to cross the border and seek political asylum. One would have to apply for it, without confirmation of application approval you just get sent back. 3. I would bring back work permits for those who got jobs here, they would pay taxes here, but could cross the border for their job and return home. 4. Switch to a consumption tax for individuals. 5. Just let oil and gas do their jobs while investing for what comes next with energy. Being inflation was caused by stimulus by trump and Biden admissions and the pandemic where we had high demand we came out of it and then supply chain issues there was not much anyone could have done, that’s just economics, most just want to blame someone for their problems in life. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually no, he would cut energy prices in half which would wreck the oil and gas industry in the US. He also killed a bill that would have address the asylum issue for political gain and has cause the issue at the border to continue. Maybe because trump went bankrupt so many times he thinks it’s okay for business to lose money. The oil and gas industries here in the US won’t lose money they will just shut down rigs, which is what happen in 2020, after the pandemic demand went up and now we have 5 dollar gas. Trumps policies will lead to 5.00 gas again, because he does not understand American oil and gas industry and how they make money. Now JD explains how Tariffs work correctly and Trump and most of his supporters still don’t know what a Tariff is or how they work. Jd also admitted they make up stories, which is interesting. Out of all of them I like JD and Walz. Harris price control policies will be just as disastrous for us as trumps plan. Her immigration policy won’t solve the core issue imo and will still have the problems we have today. So don’t think I am fan of hers, she’s going to do something just as stupid as trump with oil and gas comapanies to have prices jacked up again. She’ll cave to her base on environmental concerns. So my hope today is whom ever wins the other party controls at least one chamber and nothing gets done. Perhaps we can get a gop candidate with a bit of common sense that focused on what matters. Until then I’ll keep laughing at trump because he’s a moron and when we have to say Madam President next year I am going to blame you dnoodles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Ji
Fools like you and the misinformation you spread will be the cause. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
DJT has now pledged to eliminate the SALT cap (personally disagree with but will benefit me personally....a lot) and cap the credit card interest rates at 10% saving consumers $147.7 billion dollars annually. don't believe me, do the math: https://www.lendingtree.com/credit-cards/study/credit-card-debt-statistics/ Combined, these programs overwhelmingly help the middle class homeowner and does so at no net cost to the US taxpayer, unlike the hundred billion dollar student loan scam which was and is a taxpayer subsidized bailout of predatory lenders and overeducated faux intellectual class. It will free up hundreds, even thousands of dollars per month to the middle class earners, increase their buying power, allow them to pay down debt, invest, and grow small businesses...
1.) So the Regime gives Iran over $50 billion dollars in sanction relief, most of it secretly without consent of Congress. ( https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/1...-50-billion-heres-how-to-turn-off-the-spigot/ ) 2.) Iran hacks the Regime's political opposition campaign.... 3.) Then gives the hacked information to the Regime. ...and it's not quid pro quo foreign election interference?