In that 38%.....break down the # of Dems, her true party. Oh oh oh Graham nearly booed off stage before he stepped to the microphone. 2 hrs to get to podium, hhmmm it took 2 hrs to calm her down? That has to be why she disrespected those supporters by making them stand around on camera waiting on her.
This is a true statement because South Carolina has an “open primary”. Which means anyone from any party as long as they are registered can vote. Question remains since Democrats were free to vote in this primary ,,, how many democrats voted “Trump” ? Lol rhythms with HERO. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I figured Biden would say his hair plugs so he can fool his wife he’s not bald ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So had a few Doc appointments in different big towns stopped at a few big box stores . Dead as door nails and one smaller college town I thought I'd stepped into south america. All young men shopping and pulling out wads of cash and handing upwards of 3 hundred dollar bills each to the cashier. Who immediately held them up to the lights for a good length of time before accepting them. It looked like they had a bit older "handler" with them. Early morning and the cashier already looked wildly ticked off as they came through her line. I can tell you they are eating damn well from the huge chunks of meat they were buying.