Man Germ What can I say about another anti American Jewish Nazi like this crum ? He might pander more than Howard Stern ? I mean the worst of the worst in human beings. Let me put it this way. I’m a believer in Jesus and the Bible. Far from perfect but I read Jews are God’s Chosen people. I do my best to support Jews and Israel. I’m not naive enough to not comprehend some Jews choose money over God. I’ll place those in the Jewish Nazi category my father had to deal with during WWII. These turned against their own for German money. George Soros was not alone. Dad said these were “forgiven” by blaming Nazis for their dirty deeds in order to survive concentration camps etc. The military people like my dad thought differently. They were evil doers for money. Jon Stewart is an offspring of this mindset. He’d sell his momma off if he had to for a price. So are your Bernie Sanders, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer types. To me ? They’re not human. They’re evil. You’re aligning with evil Germ. More evil than Romney and Bain Capital! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You can't fix stupid, she doubles down and now states she will actually sieze his buildings one at a time if he doesn't pay up immediately! Right after her Gov. Goes public practically begging businesses not leave or not to start up somewhere else other than NYS. Really if we can't get your $$$$$$ then we'll take your property. In the mean time F all your employees in the process.
This guy is terrifying, I see it now, thank you. FYI Jon Stewart worked his ass off for the 911 first responders to get them help, what did you or I do? My guess for you is the same as me, nothing.
Jon Stewart is a Nazi Jew,plain and simple. The same Jew my father had to deal with in Europe. Evil to the core robbing fellow Jews and working with the Nazi's for money giving USA positions to the Nazi's after begging for mercy as Jews who were "being killed",only to report to the SS and report on the American troops. In the end of the war these same money hungry Jews claimed they did what they had to do for the sake of their own lives. I got it first hand from my dad who fought there for 4 years. Jon Stewart did what he did for fame. He could care less about anyone but his own glory or he never would have made a congressional scene. As for what I did for my country ? I did my 4 years like most my generation did because of inflation caused by your people the Carter Democrats. Interest rates on a mortgage in 1977 was around 18% if memory serves me correct. Following my 4 years, I graduated college with a Bachelors degree and paid my taxes every year since. I did my duty including the years after coming stateside. But I don't need to grandstand in front of Congress to prove a point,because i'm not a Nazi Jew. Germ your judge of character is deplorable to say the least. Bernie and his bros are who is responsible for the unrest we have in America today and you call him "HARMLESS" ? Why because he has a mask and mittens on ? What about his grandstanding in Senate and his upheavel of Americana ? You call that character ? You might be more unamerican then you've led on yourself if you idolize Bernie,,,,and Stewart. Stewart done just like Bernie, enrichened himself for the sake of destroying he lives of others. All for the sake of MONEY,their driving force. Chop Trump's head off is fine as long as fame comes with it. Who cares if you encourage someone to kill Trump right ? You will claim innocence. Like Kathy Griffin would. Humans the human race don't need.
Wow, I completely missed something here. My IQ is slightly higher than room temperature but I must have drawn a complete blank on this one. I will admit to not following current events like I normally do because I have been pretty consumed with my new business. But, Jon Stewart giving some pretty clear examples of how Tucker Carlson has been bought as a mouthpiece for Putin makes Jon a Nazi??? What did I miss in the middle part there? Tucker takes money and became an advocate for an enemy of the state and that makes Jon a bad guy for exposing the details?? How did Jon tick off the lefties if he is such a horrible human being. I mean, isn't that what the left would celebrate? Please show me the error of my ways. What little I have watched of Jon Stewart over the years has made me laugh at the absurdity of both sides of the aisle.
You’re just blind to a life long grifting money grabbing scum of a human being in Stewart. Let’s face it. If it were Stewart who got the you biased interview he’d make himself out to be a hero for his own profit like he did in that fake tirade in Congress. They all do it. Howard Stern called Obama a socialist in 2008 now he bows down to him. Why ? Because he panders to the left crowd like Stewart and the others. When you become malignant and a non pandering factor. You bite your people in order to be relevant again. That’s where Stewart is today. It’s where Stern was 2008. I remember when Stern used to try to pass himself off as half Italian and leaning towards Christian. It’s on his old catalog. Now the left hates Christian’s he’s all Israel Jew all of a sudden. These are all fake frauds who do things for money. I guess such is Hollywood and why democrats emulate them so much. To raise more money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I do hate anti American money grabbing g sell outs indeed. You’re right. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk