Yeah that was the Obama thing and why all those black power organizations got a Obama lift. Black Panthers and BLM etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Apparently that voice belonged to the Republican GOP lead in Arizona taking orders from somewhere in the east we can ASSUME to be D.C. because the lobbyist money is located there ? In any event, he “resigned” yesterday !!! It appears Kari Lake isn’t so gullible and recorded the conversation but that too has not been disclosed officially. Nor has it been deemed legal or not. In any event a huge look into the underneath of money involved in politics and how people get bought to be later on controlled to walk in lockstep. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well I wouldn't be flying in small private planes, going anywhere not surrounded by a few very big guys, driving in any small vehicle if I were her.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling, well maybe not Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What’s so funny ? He followed his own actions ! He built back better but backwards like his hard hat. Perfect motto for Brandon ! Build Back Backwards Trump should use this and all the stats related to how backwards Brandon took us from gas to inflation. Build it back backwards Brandon B.B.B.B. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The sea was angry that day, my friends - like Brandon trying to send back soup in a deli. Only one billion dollars not a trillion, three hundred million billion dollars?
for those with a fixation on "Big Mike" .... here ya go ..
It’s pretty obvious the Globalist machine has been softly looking for a plan B surprise attack. They already tried Newsome who simply possesses one of the worse declining records of any Governor. His slicked back olive oil charming smile doesn’t appear to be enough to gather much overall support needed in a presidential race. Frankly ? Michele / Michael scares the hell outta me and always has. A white blaming and hating race monger who in my estimation is more racist than Barry Sotero . I’ve seen his college racists speeches @ Harvard but Michael seems to be on a higher plain being Barry is still 1/2 white and Michael Robinson full on black. He/she hated living in the White House because slaves were used as laborers helping to build it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
James has the proper term “Uniparty”. How it works is to me simple. Democrats when holding power or not holding power, recruit Republicans who raise their hand saying they will work “across the aisle” they term in the news as “bi-lateral”. Meaning both sides “agreed”. Well the truth is, those Republicans agreeing, such as the main culprit Mitt Romney, do so for money in exchange. How you might ask ? Legally I tell you ! It’s called political dark money. Meaning campaign contributions that have no name attached because the money has been “washed” thru separate entities. As a entity donates it, it now belongs to that entity, your name is only attached as donating to that entity. The entity might use a shell entity exchanges thru say 3 separate entities. Your name is long gone as a donor. The last entity then donates it to say a Mitt Romney or Mitch McConnell. Donation looks like it came from a PAC, not a Soros or Bill Gates. This is how even our conservative politicians grab money and you see how the policy you’re witnessing doesn’t line up with a conservative theology. Lobbyists are instrumental behind the scene acting as used car salespeople. Selling the concept to a few Republicans so the news outlets can frame it as a “bi-lateral” agreement. Bi-lateral all the time you will see the big leftists trumpet in saying it wasn’t a power play. So a power play is diluted by a few Republicans. Therefore as a looker on, just look as to the balance of Conservative politicians who vote yes. The RINO sell outs don’t count as “bi-lateral”. We are being sold a bill of goods daily in the news. Vote to uncover political dark money. Dark money donations can be untold millions being you are donating to a “group” not a politician. Soon that group picks politicians and donates it under PAC guidelines thereby breaking no laws. It’s dirty as all heck !!! It must be reformed. Trump targeted it early on and eventually backed off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So we are pretty much close in age. Very good. Jenner was a beast for sure. Moreso cardio wise than muscularity wise. He was the perfect balance of athleticism. Amazing seeing what the Kardashian hypnosis can do to you. Heck, Kayne even is a bit cracked up crazy too. Moral of the story ? Kardashian kitty is very bad for your mental health. Stay away. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk