And what is the normalized or adjustment per capita? Population growth on either coasts have exploded (relatively) over both windows of time. As have urban density, as evidenced by voting patterns affecting outcomes...
That's a good metric to add 1982 - 2002 96 events 2002-2022 244 events While I agree with you population density is a role, which makes me more worried as we are getting more of these events. Currently we can't pay the bills, what's this number going to look like in the next 20 years?
White House yesterday/this morning: Lloyd Austin had elective surgery Pentagon this afternoon: prostate surgery and a severe infection
before anyone reported it, I kinda knew that is what was going on .. his age, overweight, the prostate catches up to a guy ... when they said elective surgery, that was the give away ... they 'prolly removed his and he got a bad infection ... I just had a biopsi done on mine right before Christmas 'cause of a jump in my PSA test (2nd prostate biopsi since 2005).... caught an infection with this one and had to take the hell out of antibiotics afterwards ... 8 days to clear .. biopsi came back negative thank goodness ... doc says just stay on my piss meds ...... if your over 40, waking at night to piss or it just feels like you have to go and cant, its either BPH or cancer.. get it checked ASAP !! .... if you cant piss and the bladder fills, you will need a catheter at the ER, aint fun either... Ive had BPH since 2005, meds can and do work as long as there isnt cancer, they can also trim away part of the Prostate to open it up if the meds dont work ... btw, give up on beer or alcohol if you have problems pissin' or do have BPH, it will make matters worse, much worse ... watch your diet and exercise also .. change your lifestyle or else .. Prostate cancer is slow in progression, you can do 'watchful waiting' or invasive/elective surgery, may depend on ones age or how advanced the cancer/BPH is ... since I'm now at 65, and the biposi was clear that type of cancer isnt a worry any longer ...
Family member had surgery last year. I WAS EXTREMELY impressed with their protocol. It started weeks before with no shaving(surgery team took care of that), and a special hospital provided soap to be used. Then in the hospital there was a cleaning protocol written out in detailed steps. This with special body wipes given. Then the home care was the same. All this to limit ANY possibility of infection. Man I've had several surgeries at several different hospitals and NEVER seen such detailed care.
yea, there was pre-biopsi protocols one has to do and I followed it to a tee .. there is always a chance of infection with any invasive procedure .. I hope the guy is alright, but as usual, this lousy administration blew it, or he did by trying to keep it on the down low ...
What % of the US population lives within 50 miles from an ocean shore, what are the $ values of those properties? Where does most of the most damaging storm events come from? The ocean or the gulf.
I remember the summer of 2000 was a very active fire season nation wide, was told because of climate change it was only going to get more and bigger fire seasons, simply has not happened.
I don't know off hand, pretty high and Is speculate it's closer to 1/3 of the population. As I recall, the banner numbers I saw (and scuttlebutt of banking concerns) was ocean front and watersheds on/to the ATL and gulf coasts. I know much of damages as of late have been flooding related. And while flooding can be related to Hurricanes or other storms, the density and growth around big cities (including Charlotte from the storm the other day) is also greatly related to run off as the ratio of perkable soils in metros are being dwindling. Costs to build along the costs are also likely exceeding normalized and inflation adjusted construction prices due to higher insurance, building code rigor and local ordinances that further drive prices. So my point, that Germ kinda skipped over and you hit on, if the population, costs and damage are concentrated along 50, 100 or 150 miles from the coast and/or urban centers it paints quite a different picture...
I have seen stories closer to 50% of the population within 50 miles, can adjust for inflation they tend to be higher value properties within 50 miles from a coastline.
I am a weather guy from fire days and you can see severe fronts move right down 94 following the heat island of the interstate. As far as the paved surface area and dealing with contaminated run off I know a company that builds systems that uses iron enhanced sand filters to remove nitrates.
for OND .... Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President
I don't need a never ending list. Just the sure gut knowledge she'll stab her voters in the back the second she gets a chance. Then tell them it was in their best interest. Also she had to in HER good conscious. People had best start reading the room. Christy outed her, but make no mistake he'll also indorse her.