Yea I'm not sure I could make it that far anymore. Back in early 20's went to Dublin for St Patty's and all I can say if they never ran out of the stuff no matter how much we drank ha. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
This guy, if their were ever a person that I wished would catch the virus.. I've always thought he was just mad the Village People wouldnt let him in the band.
Government needs to stop it, but government controls, and he is in a 'control arm of the government'... Was he dropped on his head or did he fall down a lot as a child?
See South Korea, from what it looks like we are modeling our testing after. "We have tremendous control". Again this was just yesterday and it's a lie. We don't are testing is so far behind, but I have faith it will get up to speed.
If you, along with 50+% of those on this forum are working from home, I'd assert the government certainly does have at least some control of all us lemmings.
So, swine flu hit the US pretty hard starting in April of 2009. Obama did not declare an emergency until late October of that year. By then, there were already over 1000 deaths on our soil for a virus that had a known vaccine. Tell me, how is it that Trump is so much more inept at handling a disease with no known vaccine?
No, I didn't know, but with a quick search it looks like September of that year. But, why did it take 6 months and over a thousand deaths to register as something as serious? I'm not saying the current administration did anything right or wrong. But, I do think it is telling when the liberals use this as a way to bash when there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around. Anyone notice that the hot spots for this current virus align perfectly with liberal enclaves that believe in sanctuary and the lack of immunization? A month ago they were giving zero cares about letting any unvaccinated immigrant into our country. Meanwhile, Biden is going to choose a woman to be his V.P. candidate and that is going to be celebrated. Liberals and media will ignore his relentless pursuit of being handsy and sniffing hair of the fairer sex regardless of age.
It was September 15th, also yes the hot spots are the most crowded cities, not a shock this has nothing to do with liberal vs conservative until WE get that IMO we will still have problems. It's okay for Trump supporters to say "he needs to do better" and it's okay to say "He's doing better". when he does by those who don't. Trumps best moment was last Friday, he showed what he could do with the private market, he should he can get things done quickly even within our slow-ass government. I could care less about Biden, he's not the president and I could care less about how Obama handled H1N1 in 2009 because he is not my president now either. President Trump is my president and WE need him to stop the lying it's not funny anymore, people could die from his lies. Oh we have tremendous control, then I can resume life as normal. We all know that will happen.
Good points. I guess my point on the liberal cities topic was more towards the fact that they can easily become a pandemic hotspot for other diseases because of the fools that wont get their kids immunized and because they welcome illegals that are not immunized. That mindset is baffling to me. Yet, they will be the first to lay down and cry for help and point fingers at the other side of the isle when **** hits the fan. As far as Obama and Biden, I agree, except that I am tired of hearing the media and libs bang that drum. It is pointless.