You ever notice with liberal households, the woman is in charge she keeps her husband's nut in a jar.
So did the bank in KY have arm guards and cameras everywhere? Anyone wanna bet it comes out he was having mental issues? Good lord Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think everyone would agree that any mass shooting is done by a person with a mental issue wether it’s diagnosed or not. How to stop them from getting guns without disrupting the 2nd amendment is beyond me, but something has to give. This is a bunch of bulls**t.
I have always said if you want to deter those bad types make getting any gun go with having to take a in person hunting type course I'm talking a NYS hunting course. Or a guncourse that takes as long. It's a two Day 8 hr a day course. Use to be free , it's been a while since the kids took theirs. Hunters have no issue going through this so if you are just a sport shooter it shouldn't bother you. Now if you can't commit to such a simple request maybe you shouldn't own any gun. .
He told his parents he was going to shoot up the bank, left a note. It’s just plain insanity now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I saw that, l just don’t understand why anyone would do any of these actions. How did society get to this level where one would decide this is a solution to a problem or adversity they’re facing. It’s terrifying. Then the fact it was live streamed to IG. I think a big part of it is linked to social media and how people are perceived or accepted.. this kid was educated and had the means to handle it differently. The more I wonder why people do this the more I get confused.
Heres my observation. How many mass shootings occur at court houses, airports, government buildings, stadiums??? Hardly any. Because we have metal detectors and security. You cant tell me we cant find a way to pay for those things when we are sending billions and billions in “foreign aid” to other countries. Protect our kids FIRST! There is no excuse that will convince me otherwise. They are letting this happen to our kids to push an agenda. It is the government’s strategy on both sides of the aisle to keep us sheep pissed off and pointing fingers. And they are masters at it.
When they take our guns the crazy’s will start using fertilizer in uhauls. Killers gonna kill. You can say what you want until we start locking these people up they will keep killing people. How many mass shooting happened when we had them locked up in insane asylums? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All hail the next "el Presidente" just wait till all of the US of A is like California Tent sales (& hair gel) will go through the roof
The Louisville Bank Shooter Has Been Identified As Connor Sturgeon (He/Him) – Was/Were’s LinkedIn Profile Remains Active