ahhh, the wisdom of Pelosi ... the mindset of the authoritarian democrat ... "The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law," Pelosi wrote. "No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to PROVE INNOCENCE ...... Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right." no Ms. Pelosi, one is INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court .. .. smh ....
My ideas don’t matter now, Generation Z will pretty much vote who they want in office over the next decade and change it all. We are the ones at fault for doing nothing and letting them be sitting ducks at school, I think that pissed them off Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So how many Feds are getting their " maga" customs ready to start and do violence on Tuesday. Let's hope people understand what some of all this is actually about and remain calm. A huge gathering without flag poles in hand quietly chanting equal justice and life liberty and justice. Would be far more powerful than a screaming mob. Disarm the left by not playing to their plans.
Bragg and the left media has put the final nail in USA world political standing. We are basically being told to shut up you have no standing any longer. Banana republic
but, but, but ... Light Bulbs !! ? .... really ?? ... Biden admin moving forward with light bulb bans in coming weeks LED light bulbs 'currently cost more than incandescent bulbs and are inferior,' consumer groups said in letter to U.S. Department of Energy https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-admin-moving-forward-light-bulb-bans-coming-weeks
Do you REALLY BELIEVE this? YOU are so much of the problem!! Let's revisit this post in a month or two and see where it goes. I don't know what "smh" stands for but you sure say it alot. So, smh
& this hat when they turn off the air cond? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-admin-cracks-down-air-conditioners-war-appliances-continues
it is truly remarkable just how dense some on here really are, how easily triggered they can be and how blind they keep themselves to what is going on around them ... they couldnt tie their shoelaces if they didnt have instructions .. regulating away light bulbs, gas ranges, dish washers, BBQ's, gas powered lawn mowers, weed whackers, gas chainsaws, etc. all part of the wokesters/climate whacko's plan of 'saving the earth' .. and gas prices keep creeping closer to 4 bucks again ... SMH .. "The regulations, which prohibit retailers from selling incandescent light bulbs, were finalized by the Department of Energy (DOE) in April 2022 and are slated to go into effect on AUG. 1, 2023. The DOE will begin full enforcement of the ban on that date, but it has already urged retailers to begin transitioning away from the light bulb type and, in recent months, begun issuing warning notices to companies." ...
The true craziness is a complete lack of history review even recent history. I do recall several in my life, power outages in the heat of Sumner and non stop coverage of elderly deaths due to them. I'll have to Google but I'm thinking NYC and Chicago were two such hot messes. Ya know China convienently killed off a huge part of their elderly population during Covid. As I have said elderly are that type of society's dead weight, system leaches. Dems , again long range thinkers. I Personally now fear going into any hospital for work.have any of you seen the NEW medical OATH that grads have to take. Have you taken a good look at hospital staff in the last few years. Looked at certain medical crimes and how they are kept very quiet? Call me paranoid but when in a yard, I look down and find my legs calf deep in s--t. I'm thinking I'm in a broken leach bed. I'm living in a broken society right now. One that will find ways to make room for the younger population they opened the boarders for. Start by erasing history in school, visual history in statues then their most dangerous of all......living memories.
Dorf, a few here are whiny cry babies with a chip on their shoulder, and for what ever reason despise any info that comes from a 'trusted' news source (FOXnews) and then go around oblivious to what is going on around them, that may be fine for them, but I want to know what is happening in this screwed up world, even if it is something as innocuous as normal light bulbs being phased out by these climate whack jobs (dems) ...
does this guy have a chance ?? ... so far he is talking some good points, and has been since he's entered the race .. so far seems to show strong conservatism .. Dark horse presidential candidate unleashes bold plan to pardon J6 prisoners and Doug Mackey, drain IRS and FBI swamp… https://www.revolver.news/2023/04/d...ners-and-doug-mackey-drain-irs-and-fbi-swamp/
I avoid network news, I also quit national news on TV I prefer to read my news stories, and never just one source.