Germy cant handle the truth or getting his ass handed to him ... liberals enjoy censorship so they dont have to answer to the ignorant remarks/comments they make ... so they blame everyone else but themselves, exemplified by his comments in post #26239 ...
what is going on with these train derailments ? .. another one, with evacuations , this time in Minnesota .... would the gvmnt even say if these were of a more nefarious nature ? ..
I would like to think all transgender people have mental illnesses, therefore they shouldn’t own guns. What’s your solution to gun control and to stop these shootings? I’m very curious, you can’t take away the 2nd amendment, law biding citizens shouldn’t be punished for others irrational mental decisions. I’m very curious how you would fix this if you had the chance.
Quick back of the envelope math...the $ given to Ukraine could've put an armed guard at ever school (public and private) in the US for about 10 years...or for other security needs.
They went from driving 20 mph to driving 17 mph. What an incredible safety improvement. Good idea though, doubt it would work in most major American cities.
want to stop shootings ! any crime, any, while in possesion of a gun, 25 year sentence,PERIOD ! murder with a fire arm, death ! PERIOD its easy,
I don't think that's even necessary. How about just enforcing the laws and terms for plea, no early dismissal, no liberal judge opinion... Living in the city, every month or two, some repeat offender seems to be wanted or the prime suspect for the n+1 crime...having just gotten out of prison within the past week/month/quarter... The prison system needs reform - possibly providing the incarcerated some marketable skills, life training, etc. The justice system needs reform - there seems to be too much liberal BS (legislating from the bench, not prosecuting in some cases, light sentences, etc)...enforce the damn laws on the books. There needs to be less incentive to commit crime or spend time in jail. Cable TV needs to go...I do think road gangs for light offenses should be brought back. I think one of the former sherrifs from nearby Davidson county actually had a good thing going - pink uniforms and one of the last to run crews for trash pickups.
Enforce the existing gun laws. If you are a cop, hunt down the worst criminals in your area and repeatedly disrupt and or arrest them. Be very clear in what you are doing, no gray area. Save social media posts where said criminals are holding guns/drugs/committing violence. Email superiors of your intentions of your concerns that these criminal elements are hurting and harassing the good people in their communities. Put it all out on the table. Be a cop.
and none of this "10 years on death row" - if it is 100% verified i.e. CCTV etc - you get the needle within 12 months
I have already decided if I get a terminal disease I will be riding the light rail in Minneapolis all night long.