Nothing personal just saying, much more $ to be made in the private sector. Yes it is about the $ if you graduate from college and do not want to maximize your income what the hell did you go to college for.
I will admire anyone who makes career choices that allow them the time and flexibility to be there for their kids, a work schedual that mirrors the kids schedual is ideal, and well worth the idea of not chasing $. Did not mean to make a generalization, there are parents who invest time rather than $ and day care.
It's the same damn scenario over and over. A person has mental health issues Is determined by a private doctor to have serious issues The doctor can not do a damn thing The mentally ill person buys a gun and no red flags are set people and kids get gunned down We all feel sad We all do nothing Send thoughts and prayers Go to 1 So is 3 9-year-olds' lives worth less than a known and diagnosed mentally ill person/transgender allowed owning a gun?
The problem is the legality issues in step #3, a doctor should be able to put someone with known mental health issues prone to violence in an institution for treatment. Blame the lawyers and politicians, they stopped the system that used to work. If step #3 was different, the whole cycle would end right there.
Many states have laws in place where people can petition a magistrate or the like, to have a homicidal or suicidal person psychologically evaluated and even possibly have their ability to buy guns revoked for a period of time.
4473, you pretty much need to be committed, State laws aside. The next quirk would be if the person already owned guns before diagnosis/care. SSRI prescriptions also keep popping up in a high number of incidents... So, IMHO, either somebody needs to fight the legal battle Hippa v 2nd amendment... In one group I belong to, one member who worked for a big box sporting good v store alluded they also have some discretion to refuse sales. He equated a gender selection of other than male/female as a mental health flag...and claimed he would refuse a sale. I don't know if that's true...
this is what dealing with anti-2a democrats is like .. nothing this guy says is true, nothing .. Massie did a good job of handling this clown ..
I had a phyciotrist call me up begging me to go to the sheriffs and tell them what I knew about father. 11 p.m. at night I go in for a sit down with sheriff and potential victim, his wife. ( person I actually believe needed shooting ) told sheriff of his planned killing start to finish as he had actually told all us kids and step kids. Told him of the weapon double barrel 12g. Purchased.That he never hunted in his life nor owned a gun in my life time with him. Had the phyciatrist backing me up with their conversation with sheriff. I then told him of previous attemps with my mother and us kids. He had a restraining order on him from the school due to his victom being a bus driver as was his wife, told them where to find gun and approximate date shooting would occur. He was a holiday terrorist. Sheriff did NOTHING. I get a call new years eve from a terrified step sister. She's trying to hide as he's shooting up the restaurant she and her mother waitress at. He cut the guy nearly in half after shooting him him through the bar door window taking out his shoulder. He just missed several bystanders. . Finished the guy off as he crawled away in the kitchen begging for his life. I know this because he actually told me. IT WAS NOT THE FAULT OF THE GUN HE WOULD HAVE FOUND ANOTHER WEAPON. HE HAD ACTUALLY ACCOUSTED THE GUY WHILE DRIVE THE SCHOOL BUS. IT WAS THE AUTHORITIES FAULT . THEY HAD TWO MONTH DETAILED WARNING, DID NOTHING.
Gaetz is a moron and if anyone listens to him, well you’re a moron. Ran Paul is one of the few who stick to his values. I don’t agree with Paul on some views, but respect him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This from a guy that claims phycologist are medical Dr. Not people that may have doctorits...ya know like "doctor" Jill
Old I can see you dislike this, can't see the post, but just an FYI. Gaetz likes his ladies very young, so you don't have a shot. I'll stand by what I said and expand. Add Fox News, Tucker, Green, the chic from CO, Jim Jordan and MSNBC, CNN, and any mainstream media left or right. You are part of the problem, I am done being nice. Go take your tribal politics and pound sand.
Oh geez that hurt...LOL Try adding a few mirrors to your life then take a good hard look. You just may have an awakening Ps. Please someone quote this so he sees it..really not that he can't go in and see what is said by people he has blocked, give it a break!