Illinois is a 'battleground state' so to say and the battle is for the 2A vs Prickster and his dems/Rino's (Kinzinger's, et al. ) .. this is a very good read/argument as to why the dems should lose this case .... should .... but after all, it is Illinois Paul Clement delivers devastating response to Illinois AGs defense of gun and magazine ban Clement’s reply brief is beautifully succinct, wasting no time at all in getting to the heart of the matter. Under Bruen and Heller, the irreducible minimum of the Second Amendment is this: States may not ban arms that millions of Americans possess for lawful purposes. That most basic of principles dooms HB 5471. The Court should grant Plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction.
there was at one point, I don't know what happened, lately the site has been having issues on the mobile browser- if you go back to fix a typo it gets all screwy.
Lindsay Graham is that gutless weasel who is all mouth & talks tough when he has the tough guys behind him. if he ever turned around and saw he was standing alone he'd run off crying for his mommy while urinating in his pants
Next week there is a 2nd Amendment Rally at the American legion in Little Falls. Hosted by a Minnesota state Sen. Also invited are local state reps, the county sheriff and Little Falls PD. I have never been to a political rally, it will be interesting. I will say this for certain I will not be donating any $ or taking a sticker for my pick up. People that know me know my politics, I don't care to share with strangers.
I do like the idea of counties declaring themselves sanctuary counties with 2nd A rights. It is telling the people at the capital we do not accept or tolorate your infringement. I am waiting for the state pushback it will be interesting, the county sheriff will not enforce any safe storage law.
Weaklings can't even answer questions honestly. Honesty solves so many issues but in our fake manicured society, we have lost our way. Simply speak the darn truth!