what a brain dead senile ignorant twit ... O'Biden is the worst ever !! .. nothing but a puppet for China ....
well you have to wonder who is behind the scenes making the decisions because it certainly isn't Brandon. maybe Hillary's finally running the show seeing as she lost the unlosable election?
I believe it is much deeper than Mrs. Cankles .... the swamp is deep and the deep staters are well entrenched ... this is why they are so afraid of Trump, he dosnt play by their rules and they want him stopped anyway possible, even with another farce like this legally pathetic political witch hunt, what number is this now with these dems ?? ... Hell, Ive lost count .... there is no doubt any crap the dems pull will be overturned on appeal .... Trump could then win in a landslide ....
Odd all the things that make me tin hat crazy seem to be coming true.... Almost like all main stream media was stacked against him. To the point that even "conservatives" began to hate the guy Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
UBS offers to buy Credit Suisse for 'substantially' more than $1 billion, sources say https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/19/ubs...are|com.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard
always thought of NY State as being sort of a authoritarian hell hole, this confirms it ... and here I thought Prickster and Witchmer were bad .. time to get ready for the 2024 election .. NY Governor Demands Court Authorization to Detain Citizens in ‘Quarantine Camps’ New York’s Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul is demanding that the courts grant her authorization to detain citizens in “quarantine camps” against their will. Hochul has gone back to court seeking permission to detain New Yorkers in quarantine camps. The move would see citizens placed in the camps without notice, detained without rights, and held for as long as state health officials decide. The plan also has no age limits, meaning children could be taken from their families. The fight arose during the pandemic when New York officials decided they would adopt a new rule giving the state exactly that power. The detention camps are part of Gov. Hochul’s “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” scheme. https://slaynews.com/news/ny-governor-demands-courts-authorization-detain-citizens-quarantine-camps/
I live in NYS and openly say the state gets what it deserves. Unfortunately it's downstate and Rochester and Syracuse and Buffalo helping them. Also remember what I say about female politicians. Very very few can be trusted once they get actual power. IMO.. Hochul is a crazy B---h.