^^^^ Just another anti-Trump/pro Obummer diatribe from Germy .... smh .... Trump Just Achieved What Every President Since Nixon Had Promised: Energy Independence https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/energy-independence-trump/ The world can thank President Trump for the oil deal In the midst of a pandemic, President Donald Trump pulled off an energy coup: He was able to convince the second and third largest crude oil producing countries to set their bickering aside and voluntarily cut production, at least for a couple of months. In so doing, Trump may have saved global financial markets, the U.S. energy industry — and the U.S. economy. https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-...d-can-thank-president-trump-for-the-oil-deal/ Energy Revenues and Disbursements Soar Under the Trump Administration Revenues and Disbursements Nearly Double FY 2016 Totals https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/energy-revenues-and-disbursements-soar-under-trump-administration
Signature bank over the weekend. Looks like First Republic will be on the ropes today. First Republic drops 70%, leads decline in bank stocks https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/13/fir...are|com.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard
Since I didn't have the time or energy to respond to that john Stewart interview silliness, I'll let a lawyer do it for me. Enjoy.
A rush on SVB created a liquidity squeeze. SVB has made bad decisions around risk concentrations, contacts, duration and their holdings. Cool heads are needed by the public and why the Fed stepped in and the Pres is speaking prior to market open. For consumers, you should be well diversified...and if your so cash flush that you have more than 250k in deposits it should be spread across multiple banks/credit unions. For businesses, similarly, they should diversify their banking businesses or be very concentrations of their decisions. Many companies are lucky to be in business this morning with the Fed stepping in to cover more than the 250k limit... PS cans rust and leak...Mason jars with a gadket.
Design, do a deep dive into bank boards and management. Look at who immediately stepped in to start buying HSBC
You might want to loosen up that MAGA cap and read Germ's post again. You missed it completely. Your filter is plugged tight. "Trump demanded that Saudi Arabia cut back production back in 2020. According to Trump, he worked out a deal where OPEC producers would all agree to reduce their output. The reason we now have high oil prices is that they have not returned their production to pre-pandemic levels. Hey, by the media’s standards of what makes a politician responsible for an event in the world, this is practically airtight. It’s more than a bit bizarre that Donald Trump literally boasted about getting oil producers to cut production, but somehow President Biden is held responsible for high gas prices." - Dean Baker, Senior Economist Hard to argue both sides of this and make Trump out to be the hero each time. I voted for Trump, I would be more than disappointed if he gets the nomination again. He had some great policy and was pretty solid with foreign affairs, but he has the temperament of a child. He had an opportunity to make America great again for 8 years and pissed it down his leg in tantrums. His ego is not fit for the office.