and the DEMOCRATS/Antifa/BLM burnt down multiple cities, police stations and destroyed lives of thousands of business owners, many died during these 'mostly peaceful' riots ... and in the last week over 100 DEMOCRATS/Antifa's attacked 'cop city' in Atlanta terrorizing and destroying what was to become a much needed training center for first responders. It was a coordinated attack of domestic terrorism ... if the occurrence at the capitol was a REAL insurrection, you'd have known it .... most of those there were peaceful, thousands to be exact and only a small percent of those went off the rails prodded on by govt. inbeds and antifa inbeds .... the DEMS were proud of their rioting people and the damage they did, hell, the Dems celebrated the riots... multiple conservatives/Repubs denounced what happened at the capitol .... Germy is a true POS, always has been and will be, I'll bet deep down he celebrated what happened at the capitol , just so he could use it as an I told ya so ...
the DEMOCRATS/Antifa's arrested for Domestic Terrorism in Atlanta, including a SPLC ATTORNEY ... will the FBI go after the remaining scum with the fervor they did of those at the Capitol ?? .. will these get the high sentances those did that breached the Capitol ?? ... I have to wonder the SPLC ATTORNEY is in the green shirt in the bottom row SPLC = Southern Poverty Law Center (known as a far left wing organization)
just wait, the closer it gets to the 2024 election, Antifa/BLM will increase their violence, it has been said this attack in Atlanta was a training exercise ... will DHS/FBI 'ping' the phones of those who escaped to try to find them ... this attack was a well planned, thought out attack, same as any military would do... btw, many of those arrested are already out on bail (smh) .... while many of those arrested for the disruption at the Capitol, are still being held, and still have NOT even had court dates set and NO BAIL set either ... sounds like something a 3rd world communist/socialist gvmnt would do to their citizens ....
Germ is no way nearly as far left as you are right. Not even close. He has pointed out the wrongdoings of many liberals as well as conservatives. Germ is smart enough to understand that not everything we see and hear is gospel because the source we trust has said so. For you to call Germ a POS is beyond what I would expect from anyone on this site. Germ and I have had differences of opinions but I respect him at the end of the day. If you are half the man you seem to think you are, you will publicly apologize to him and tone down your rhetoric moving forward.
I have defended Germ but I don't respect him as a hunter or a person. Let's not overswing in efforts of defending members of seniority. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Fix... No one deserves to be maligned and called POS for having an opinion. Opinions are like assholes... Everyone has one and they all are smelly at one time or another!
I understand and agree. But please remember there are people that just exist to troll and stir the pot. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Most of the time he plays a well informed devil's advocate. If we all think alike and act alike we start to lose a lot of perspective. Again, I don't agree with some of his politics, but he is far from being purely a troll. You may not like the things he makes you think about, but he is making you think. He does bring a little balance to a canoe that would surely get swamped on the right side without regard to weights and balance. He gave up hunting for a lot of years to coach and raise a family. I don't care what your politics are, that doesn't make you a poor hunter and it certainly doesn't make you a POS. There are plenty of good conservative outdoorsmen that are divorced or in poor relationships because they don't have the fortitude to make that same decision.
I'm not going to validate him by making others defend him. So carry on. I'm going shed hunting. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
So your going after the Cartels now aye? Be prepared to be met with military type force from......our own equipment. How much did BIDEN leave behind to be sold? Waite how much $$$$$$$$$$$$$ has BIDEN funneled directly to the Cartels by being the cheif human trafficker with his open borders? Wow how many human souls will that man take to hell with him when he finally goes. Looking to buy a seat at Satan's side. Give him credit for planning a head
I stand by my opinion of him ... unlike him, I dont hide from someone who has differing opinions like he does .... he censures who/what he dosnt like, just as a good liberal wants and does .. censorship from opposing views and hides from truth ..
meh, there is some truth ... just depends on who says it and where you get the info from .. there always will be in politics ....
Blind trust in any news source with an agenda of any kind is still the twisted truth of the source.. Hence the term spin....