So there will still be snipers organic to certain marine groups. The way Task and Purpose reported on it was the corps is just doing away with that specific Mos, or whatever they call it, and folding it in to other units. Some 5 star is happy. Comments were pretty spicy on the T&P page. Ha!
I sure those within the sniper teams are not pleased .... snipers are an highly adaptive group, and will do and go where told to .... the Generals/officers can screw up a good thing thats for damn sure .....
So the FBI has now said the virus came from a lab. Anybody with a brain said no **** to themselves, but the leftists still maintain it was from a bat in a market.
Had the Marketing liberal in the office about in tears today after the FBI also said it came from the lab. He said what is the point of knowing it just leads to hate crimes on asians. I explained identifying the source is on the China gov't lies not Asians, and google what race group is attacking asians, not news stories, stats. He was quiet all afternoon.
If they would have admitted it was from a lab then we would have had an enemy in China. Something Trump could have seized upon...but they wanted a soft enemy. An amorphous enemy that could be manipulated to sway votes.
It is interesting that Trump was right about the origin all along, and called a racist for saying the truth.
Where it gets ugly is, if our government was providing funding for gain of function... De ja Ollie North...
AG Garlands comments on fentanyl. Kind of sounds like a terror organization that needs to be dealt with harshly and immediately, and at the very least protect the darn border. "They are not stopping fentanyl from killing Americans," Garland told the Senate Judiciary Committee during a sometimes contentious hearing, casting the drug problem as a "horrible epidemic unleashed on purpose" by criminal cartels based in Mexico.