Guess El Salvador is done with the criminal street gangs.
some would rather have their heads buried up their behind than know what is going on in the world ... not good ... wimpy assed brain dead O'biden allowed this to happen ... Putin Signs Bill to Suspend Last Nuclear Arms Pact With US
El Salvador is currently the last bastion of true representative democracy, law, and order in the entire western hemisphere. That's one of the reasons they went to BTC as their reserve currency - Soros INC can't crash their economy and foment a coups.
Beetlejuice is gone .... Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Ousted; Vallas, Johnson in Runoff Vallas, a former schools CEO backed by the police union***, and Johnson, a Cook County commissioner endorsed by the Chicago Teachers Union, advanced to the April 4 runoff after none of the nine candidates was able to secure over 50% of the vote to win outright.
Good riddance Lightfoot. Even down to the bitter end she tried to use race as a way to scare black people into voting for her. One of her quotes..."who do you want in charge, "them"?".
first the USMC drops their Abrams tanks and now this !! .. what the heck is going on ?? ... stupid stupid stupid !! .... Marine Corps under fire for eliminating elite scout sniper platoons from infantry battalions: 'Misguided' USMC Scout Sniper Association calls for ‘Commandant of the Marine Corps to reconsider this ill-advised policy decision’
My Dad was a career Marine. He knows a good college friend of mine who went into the Marine Corps and now runs the new Littoral Regiment out of Hawaii. My Dad has always liked my buddy but when I brought up the Littoral Regiment he got all old school usmc like you 0317. Haha. Said "Marines pound the hell out of sobs on the ground...not some Littoral crap..." LOL
Ok I read the story, maybe on a different source, but I'm missing some detail. It sounded like marine snipers would still exist, but not under in separate platoons. No impact to other special ops in other branches. What am I missing? It sounded more like the crap I see in a 'corporate reorganization'...
Context: military leader wants to make a positive change (to them) that shows their importance and relevance in their leadership position. To hell with what has worked, what your NCOs say is effective, nor any other legitimate reasons to stick with what works. There must be movement away from outdated processes into enhanced, future fitting methods which improve lethality and give that leader another bullet in his performance report. Now I want my retirement flag flown on the moon. Thank you for my service.