and this is suppose to be a 'family site ' ?? ... smh ......... hence, the 'keep it clean' in the rules ...... "This is where everyone hangs out and talks about what little life there is outside of bowhunting. Remember to keep it clean!" ...
Thanks Not the beauty I was but still not bad for an old lady. Hubby is considering asking me to start wearing my wedding ring again. Since the weight loss shopping has become...well interesting. Last time I had one guy follow me to the car then back when I took my cart back ...chatting away. Next store a guy lifted a block of cheddar on sale saying gosh this is a good price, as he lifts it toward me, saying ...but I have No one to share with on his me...That's too bad it's my husband's favorite,grab one and left...hahaha
Have you noticed the what would happen ,what would the USA do in a nuclear war videos increasing 10 fold? How many and what type of offensive missles and defensive missle we have ....... Boy are those moot questions . When the guy that's suppose to be in charge with his finger on the button as it were, is ALWAYS A DAY LATE AND( I just can't say a dollar short he's been throwing our dollars every where but home) A FEW SCREWS LOOSE? I'm not sure he would give the command. Then what ? Well suppose we kiss are aces good bye. I mean who's next Harris? Harris with her, in 2022 " You'll actually get to see the craters on the moon , WITH YOUR OWN EYES!!!!" Idiocy. How about the top rainbow parade Generals closest to him. For all the worries Trump could push the button they never stopped to think, Biden wouldn't
THIS is what the US needs to do with the gang bang punks/criminals and then watch the ACLU and the wimpy bleeding heart liberal attorneys cry in their oatmeal .... watch the vids .... El Salvador dosnt play around !! ... designed to hold 40,000 !! Behind bars: Thousands of criminals, including notorious MS-13 gang members, start filling new 'mega prison'
Dental floss. Use like a saw to cut through the adhesive then use rubbing alcohol. May have to repaint but better than having to repair the wall
You watch Zelenskyy is bleed8ng US dry of military resources and cash with. O receipts. Then China swoops in and he will dump Bidens old arse like a hot rock for deeper pockets.
Trump is independently wealthy so he did not need wars / kickbacks from weapons manufacturers to be come a millionaire unlike the rest of congress. Brandon is obviously buying UA's silence on Hunters dealings and corruption there. They must know this conflict will end soon hence spouting on about a war with China in the not too distant future. After China my money's on the Middle East or maybe Africa, probably Syria or Iran where the CIA will arm and fund terrorists there, then they will lie about human rights abuses etc as for an excuse to invade along with spreading the power of democracy with bombs and bullets. All part of congresses forever wars. Being shareholders helps too The Members of Congress Who Profit From War - The American Prospect