bull crap, its the fact the schools and teachers are crap, not all because of covid policies, but they did play into it some I'm sure ...
Covid did show that a large % of parents are either too lazy or stupid to overlook their child's education and be involved. Too many parents expect/trust the schools to raise/educate their children.
What is up with AOC always wearing bold red lipstick? Is she paying homage to some sort of socialist/communist thing?
Wow that woman is not going to age well without a lot of work. This when she looks like that in her early 30's
Any parent can learn basic elementary school math to help their children. And any parent can encourage the single most important factor for academic success, reading.
according to Don Lemon she has until her 40's when she's in her "prime" before the wheels fall off & the warpaint'll be put on with a trowel
Some women think they can fool people with a ton of make up and hair dye. Most beautiful women age beautifully, those in a long term stable marriage. My wife is as beautiful now as she was when I first started throwing one in her.
That would be me. I have never dyed my hair rarely wear make up and have always cut my own hair. Well when I wasn't front manager of a salon. The owner forced hair work. I'll never forget when he made me sit 6 hours to have a Bo Derek. Problem was is I had very,very dark hair and I'm white. Corn rolls looked absolutely ridiculas and I had to do a dance routine at a fashion show. Child birth was less painful and embarrassing.
Don't worry OND. I have know idea what you look like but I'm sure I'd be a proud man iffn you were mine.
as many know, drug cartels are deeply entrenched in this country ... in many instances using the illegal monies to bribe politicians, and using legal institutions to launder those monies .. not long back Indiana, Illinois and Idaho ran joint criminal investigations on how relators & construction companies, etc. were using fake/falsified transactions for those cartels and many of those involved were convicted of racketeering and other crimes ... Now this is all leading back to Arizona/Maricopa Co. and their illegally elected Gov. Katie Hobbs ... this is a long read, but well worth the information and knowledge gleaned ... not only is the drug trade by these cartels making Billions, they stand to make even more thru the monies from illegals who pour across our southern border ... this whole crap stinks to high heaven .... what, you didnt hear about this on the MSM .. imagine that .... Expert Witness Reveals Installed AZ Governor Katie Hobbs Laundered Cartel Money Through Fake Deeds and Mortgages to Rig Elections . . . Including Her Own https://thelibertydaily.com/bombshe...mortgages-to-rig-elections-including-her-own/