Your kidding right? Who do you think is going to rebuild that country. Hell ,words out of Bidens own mouth. We need to give them funds for their pensions ,so they have money in their pockets. This isn't going to end until the truth comes out on what US officals are getting rich Democrats and Repulicans.
I'm pretty sure that never entered my mind, strange it did yours. I was just having a conversation and noting a reaction.
a "REAL" Republican ?? like McConnell, light in the loafers Graham et al. ? .... Repubs that push the war mongering establishment and the $$ going to Ukraine rather than those in East Palestine ?? ... or those who STILL refuse to see how the various elections were stolen, or those who continue to support BIG pharma and the multitude of lies from Pffffizer/Moderna, THOSE "republicans" ?? ... and dont forget the swamp creatures, the 'deep state' "Republicans" ... I am a CONSERVATIVE that is forced to vote 'Republican' ... I've never been fond of being lumped in with "those swamp/deep state" people ... yea, I'll support those within the party that are Conservative, and tear the crap out of the big staters/swamp creatures ... if either screws up, I'll rip them also .... TRUMP or DESANTIS 2024 !! .......
Nobody but you brought those clowns up. I am talking about average get up and go to work conservitives.
Would that be the subdivision whaa,whaa Republicans that chose a president because they didn't like their parties presidents tweets? Rhetorical I don't need an answer.
You said "real' Republicans ...there is a difference between Repub's and conservatives ... glad I'm a constitutional conservative .... yes, they can be both, but also separate too ... Republican is a political party ... Conservative is a philosophy .....
A president who raised the debt by 8 trillion could be considered a conservative, if we go by fiscal responsibility the last conservative presidents were Johnson and Clinton, let that sink in. Under oath, if Tucker says you're stupid while he makes millions and you still don't get it, well enjoy.
Spartan Sunday was a huge success, tonight it's Spartans vs Indiana at home. Tom Izzo gave a hell of a speech earlier, I imagen he will deliver tonight also. Monday they headed to the capital, I said for years now if we don't act this generation will
Tucker has almost no web presence. Nearly the entirety of his audience is via his show on Fox, and to a much less extent his subscription-based platform which consists mostly of long form interviews and is also only accessed via Fox. Like, believe, respect him or not; he's the opposite of click bait. Click bait is driven by ad revenue, and few media personalities exist today more negatively impacted by ad blackouts than Tucker.
You seriously make me laugh. Yep yes sir this generation will act...just like every other generation. Let us start with Vietnam and as they aged every conflict after. They made a change I'll grant you. It went from war to conflict How about womans rights they grew into transgender inclusion I love save the whales to wind power whales be damned You know I could continue and or go farther back in
I just saw this whole court thing So you claim he lied saying he thought his viewers were good people. Well that quote was not under oath it was a text message. Now if he said he thought them dumb so what? Many of them are. His quotes on Trump that's true Trump was his own worse enemy ,that said ,it doesn't mean he didn't do good for the country. I might want to mention to you for it's size a brain is a powerful thing most all use a very small % of it. You may want to strive utilizing a bigger %.
Did you smoke a fat one? More viewers you get, the more ad money you get. It's the same damn principle, say/post something outrageous to your followers and get them to click or watch. If you want to keep watching a guy who thinks you're a dumbass, have at it. He's laughing at you all the way to the bank in his bowtie.
I do not know you Germ I don't know nor care what your race or skin color is. This said: If your white you may want to take my previous advise before posting. See by your delusional thought process You sir voted for a president that thinks you are a marauding white supremacist with the desire to lynch black people. His actual words not mine
Dnoodles he has a daily presence on you tube . I do not pay for any platforms so do not see his "SHOWS" nor any Fox programing not on you tube. That said you tube is a pretty big web presence
Fair point, I had forgotten about that although it's not ad revenue based. They use it to drive traffic to their subscription platform.