I never have nor will I ever contribute $ to a politician, the only thing you get is my vote. Never had a bumper sticker on my truck or sign in my yard.
There is always the fact that if not for him we'd be well into a 2nd Hilary term and whi knows what else. The Republicans/conservative party had ruined itself long before Trump came along. Too much in fighting and sitting on their hands whenever do get any type of majority. Also not adapting to what takes to attract new voters. Just my opinion tho and who am I? But the old boys club aint working and hasn't been for about 12 years Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
Fing Iran arresting and executig its citizens for protesting. Hard to explain, but we all have a connection and crap like this hurts.
And there is always the fact that if he had acted like an adult, he would have had a second term and could have paved the way for our country to be in good hands for generations to come. But, he pissed it all down his leg and left us to pick up the pieces of insanity. Term limits for Congress is the only answer that makes sense to eliminate the good old boys club of career thievery.
The US has had a hand in many global misdeeds...some times nepharious others I'll thought through. I think taking out Sadam was somewhere in between, but was at least the latter.
I understand all that, but I'm focusing on just the people of Iran being tortured and executed. It makes me sick.
Well I mean he acted that way before he got elected. So why was it a surprise? And is it really worse than the alzhimers patient we have now? Not saying he doesn't act like a idiot sometimes but from the day was elected literally everyone, dems, repub, media, whoever, was against anything he said or did. So why not say screw and do whatever you want. No matter what he did or said wasn't gonna change that fact. But yet again who the hell have the Republicans/conservatives put up that have had a better chance. I mean idk they shoot themselves in the foot way to many times and then it's kinda back to square one. But you're right get rid of the lifers would be a good start. But I feel like that wouldn't matter because I don't think a majority of ppl would vote for unknowns or whats not comfortable. Or it may be the case that like here in Illinois just outnumbered anymore. You get the city ppl and that's all ya need. Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
The media likes to shoot republicans in the other foot too, based on what they report and what they don't report.