you guys are so f'd .. one of many reason I despise dems/libs/Marxists .. (all one in the same now adays) .. Move out NOW !! ..... Highly contentious hearings set for bill to ban certain guns in Illinois House Bill would redefine dozens of different types of rifles, pistols and shotguns as “assault weapons.” Contentious debate is expected during Illinois legislative hearings over a proposed gun and magazine ban. House Bill 5855 from state Rep. Bob Morgan, D-Deerfield, would redefine dozens of different types of rifles, pistols and shotguns as “assault weapons.” If approved, anyone who owns them would have 300 days to register them with state police. All future sales would be prohibited. The measure also would prohibit possession of magazines with over 10 rounds. Morgan reacted to some who worry that would turn many Illinoisans into felons overnight. “The effort in the legislation, the intent is really to stop the future sales, but of course I recognize, and the working group recognizes, all of these devices and these weapons, they exist in Illinois today,” Morgan said. “So it is really thinking about it in a prospective way instead of penalizing those who purchased them legally in Illinois.” The measure would also prohibit anyone under 21 from getting a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card. ( no gun deer hunting ?) .. MOVE
I was in the airport Sunday and I was "lucky" enough to be facing a TV set to cnn. Old Fauci is still being gosh pls make it stop
Hasn't been working out so well for him lately...
See that is the problem you can have all the money you want but if you do not have integrity, people know you for what you really are.
good read.. there are no such things as coincidences ... ( Gibbs Rule #39: There is no such thing as a coincidence.) Analyzing the Strange Coincidences in Maricopa County During the 2022 Midterm Election No one really believes deep down that Arizona rejected four top Republican candidates. The Democrats, MSM and RINOs are complaining about voters’ concerns over election fraud, saying “we need to move on,” “quit living in the past,” and “no one cares about it as an issue, you’re hurting the Republican Party to continue focusing on it.” There may be a grain of truth in all of that, but it’s outweighed by the fact that we may never get another Republican president into office and more states will turn blue if we don’t stop the fraud. No one really believes deep down that Arizona rejected four top Republican candidates — three who were leading in almost every poll, including MSM polls — considering the breakdown of voter registration in the state. Republicans have a four-point voter registration advantage over Democrats in the state as well as within Maricopa County. Republican candidates swept the rest of the races around the state, leading many to believe only those four top races, which featured all Trump-endorsed candidates, were deliberately targeted. rest at link