New York is screwed.
Yeah. Biden is really doing great. Yeah. "Those declines aren’t just limited to Amazon and Microsoft. The top five most valuable U.S. tech companies reportedly lost a combined $4 trillion in value this year. To put that in perspective, that’s more than the combined GDPs of Turkey, Argentina, and Switzerland."
yeah but the weapons manufacturers have made a sh!tload along with donating to those they got into power which helps to prop up what they launder back to themselves. thank God the Ukraine conflict started after Afghanistan otherwise I don't know how those in congress will survive. luckily when UA ends there's always China
Who would have thought the earth went through regular warm and cold periods before industrialization?
Here's a secret the conservatives talk about, but failed. Keep the government out of the private lives of people. Pretty simple that every pro-choice initiative passed regardless of the "red" or "blue" state. Women don't like being told what to do by men, any man who is married(me 25 years) knows this fact. My daughter at Michigan S.tate took 4 hours to vote, I know then Tudor was doomed. Get better candidates there is a reason DeWine walk away with it on Ohio, he's not an extremist nut job. Hell, my two good friends who are married and lesbians voted for him. I am taking their adopted daughter hunting next year because she loves bow hunting. Get religion out of politics and out of government. We are not that far apart, but the ones in power want us to be, think about that. What happen last night with Biden's record, is simply nuts.
I'd love an instant 30 percent reduction in all government as a starter, followed by 20% more gone over 10 years. Add in government electees that follow and believe in the actual US Constitution and we are all good. Smoke weed? Don't care. Married another man? Don't care? Want to call yourself a weird name? Don't care. But I tell you, when a child gets to be 7 plus months alive in a woman, it's pretty hard to just say, hey ladies I know you don't like being told what to do by men even though you love telling us what to do, but go ahead and drill a hole in that child's head bc you don't want that burden. That is a very fine line and as you can see, many of us are rightfully conflicted by true pro choice like the one old dipS Governor Northam suggested wherein he believed a woman has a right to terminate pregnancy up to delivery. Hell if that's the case legalize heroin and let's keep this my body my choice thing 100% legit.
The 7+ months are extreme and rare cases, just the argument of rape and incest for it. This is just how I view it, no one has the right to be part of a decision between me, my daughter, my wife, our doctor, and our pastor, period. I will answer the decisions I make, folks will have to answer to theirs. I am good with that.
wonder when little Greta will go to China and try using her scowl of contermpt while saying "How dare you" to Xi
I hear you. I'm a believer in personal accountability and my own consequences. I don't like trying to force anyone into a certain way of life.
Twitter blue 8 dollar verification is on hold, due to people impersonating companies and causing stocks to go down. The fact the people read tweets and make stock decisions is hilarious and frightening at the same time. Elon is not worried as if he bankrupts twitter, the tax payers will pay the bill. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How do you figure? If it’s a private company, it goes bankrupt. Taxpayers don’t get screwed, creditors would.
Because orange bad, Elon bad, anyone that does not follow the narrative bad. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Like having their kids be mandated to get vaxed to go to school? Or teaching sex Ed in kindergarten? Or how about telling them they can decide their gender at age 5? Or a dude can play sports against their daughter and she can't say boo? You want to talk about extreme nutjobs in regards to Republicans? lmao. Mama bears cool with that?
I guess it depends on the mama bear, comparing aborton rights to vax mandates is different, along with other examples. Is the government mandating sex Ed taught in Kindergarten? Here it’s the 6th grade the class is taught. Dudes can play sports I am against, we handled that one locally here. Gender thing is a family deal. No government imo. I agree government should stay the hell of those too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk