Capital Police (a)Authority of the Capitol Police Subject to the direction of the Capitol Police Board, the United States Capitol Police is authorized to protect, in any area of the United States, the person of any Member of Congress, officer of the Congress, as defined in section 4101(b) of this title, and any member of the immediate family of any such Member or officer, if the Capitol Police Board determines such protection to be necessary.
interesting..... would make for a good soap opera .. or a TV comedy .. .... no wonder both are alcoholics .. BASED: Elon Musk Reminds Crooked Hillary There’s a “Tiny Possibility” David DePape Is Paul Pelosi’s Lover
Not necessarily. See we are big time recyclers. Cans that can be redeemed are, a compost pit, and anything else we can take to the recycling place. This cuts down immensely on the # of garbage bags WE have to pay for at the dump. No refuse to pay for pick up. So what those people do with it..I honestly , for the good or bad of it, don't care. My costs out of pocket short term are less.
I'm venting on this because of gut intuition. NYS has just hammered a "clean water proposition for this election. It is getting a sound no vote from me. The commercial I think reveals an under tone. In the end it loudly states vote for NY clean water......then so softly says....and jobs act. There it is so tired of sneaky bass turds. So watch those state proposition folks bait and switch at it's best, in some cases.
Been a back story here for years...first they had to re-educate the masses which (numbers) to recycle or not...folks still through all their trash in the recycling they had to build a 'transfer station' to sort and bail the recycling...and separate or the trash. Then they find the buyers only wanted 'clean' recycling...and they started to pay others to take a bunch of their 'recycling'...presumably to bury.