^^^ Wow, lectured by a wet behind the ears kid? I'm not sure exactly where you live but where I live, I've never ran into this before. I'm not sure how I would react to this but I know it would not be favorable. For the most part the kids around here are pretty decent and polite. It is much different from the city that I came from. I think the word "city" is key to this phenom.
Just some overzealous kid, there was a whole group of them downtown this weekend all hucking for Bernie. We just laughed at him and the wife asked he would like to take the car for a drive. Of course, he he said yes. The wife said work hard, save your money and make good decisions. God, I love her.
She is sharp, which is good bc I'm kinda on the dull side when it comes to witty comebacks. I'm more Hulk smash..
So true. I am surrounded by it every day. I cannot believe these kids are so on board with Bernie and socialism. Scary, very very scary.
Oh dont worry, even the dems in Oklahoma say they'll vote trump before Bernie. The only thing we need to prepare ourselves for is the epic, no legendary temper tantrum they will throw when they lose again. They say they're going to throw a revolution but unless its catered by food trucks and local sustainable coffee houses nothing will happen.
Somebody tell me how a liberal can quote the bible and have abortion as an untouchable party platform?
Glad I am not one rooting on the Democrat party. Not only are they all delusional, but they are delusional about being delusional.. Trump will get even more electorals and possibly even the popular vote at this rate.
Please tell me you guys don’t actually watch the trash debates that have been aired so far... please. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was goaded on by another to watch tonight. Was told about the comedic content. I joined when they were questioned on the NRA aspect of it. Riled me up. Moreso it riled the base up. No way, no how does the gun control debate take front stage with these bufoons now or ever. Incoherent was the word and incoherency was the rule of the night.
I find it hard to believe Warren was fired for being pregnant.... typically HR never lets you fire people without cause because it’ll cost the company extra unemployment tax and can open you up to lawsuits, especially when it’s a minority. If they really wanted her gone for being pregnant they would’ve looked through her file and figured out that smallpox blankets would achieve the same result without the financial penalties and risk of being sued.
I tried to watch the "debate" several times. It was a hot mess. I kept having to switch channels. I was feeling embarrassed in my own living room.