Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult
And in other news: Oil from U.S. reserves sent overseas as gasoline prices stay high
All this outrage about Britney Grinner, how about pointing out how stupid it is to attempt to bring illegal drugs into a foreign country? You don't thing they look at international luggage a little closer? Playing a victim by her is pretty entitled.
O'Biden's has the lowest approval ever of ANY POTUS ... THE LOWEST EVER !! ... yup, you lousy dems can sure pick 'em (and have to cheat to do so... lol ..) ... hell, you dopes voted in AOC and Omar, Bettlejuice, Pelosi, Schumer, et al. ... that should tell ya just how ignorant you democrats are ....
proof dems run off emotion and feeeeelings, not the truth/facts .. NY Gov. Kathy Hochul: "I don't need to have numbers" to justify position on gun control <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
and yet this 'woman' is next inline for the POTUS seat ... smh .. EVERY LITTLE THING SHE DOES IS TRAGIC: Veep Offers Word Salad Sympathy in Highland Park Remarks
Listen schools started drugging our kids when ever possible years ago....I went through those battles and they never got my kids,thank God. Then add the internet and people whispering in the ears of vulnerable kids...this is what you get. Now overseas terrorists groups showed everyone just how easy it is to manipulate vulnerable youth. If you don't think other "groups" didn't pick up on this your nuts. Same groups willing to pay violent protesters and on line " influencers". They see their hands as clean because they weren't literally hands on doing these things. Funny how these people's accounts are completely wiped immediately. How much data on those accounts are wiped before legal officials get to them? The last 20 yrs have been by design I have been watching it and had to deal with it during all that time. Tucker has it completely right and it's way too late that the truth is coming out. All school "psychologist " need to be fired and any issues need to be referred to real Dr.'s of parents choice and for free. American parents are fools. Never think they can threaten you into actions you know are wrong. The only thing they frear is a strong parent. One with a plan of counter attack. Be it public , legal or both. They assume parents do not have the financial ability to fight their on call legal teams Not enough people call their bluff.